Chapter 10: Potions Class

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Their first lesson was Potions with Gryffindor. It was being taught by a new potions master. His name was Horace Slughorn. Damien didn't think much of him. He was really a bumbling idiot, and too jovial for the young Riddle's taste.

The five Slytherin's all took up seats with the their Slytherin peers on one side of the room, opposite the Gryffindors. Damien sat next to Blaise while Morgana took up residence with Pansy. Draco occupied the open seat next to Theo Nott.

"Welcome! To 6th year Potions," Slughorn grinned at the young wizards and witches before him, "Seeing as Professor Snape is now teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts, Headmaster Dumbledore has asked me to return and teach Potions since I had taught it many years ago."

Damien rolled his eyes as Slughorn spoke. He honestly didn't care to hear this man's life story. Blaise obviously felt the same seeing as he leaned over to whisper into Damien's ear, "Do you care? Because I sure as hell don't."

His words caused a grin to form on Damien's face as he chuckled lowly, which in turn caused Blaise to laugh softly as well. Morgana reached forward to slap Blaise upside the head and hit Damien in the shoulder.

"Will you both behave?" She hissed before she settled back in her seat. Both Blaise and Damien pouted like scorned children, and this in turn caused Draco to laugh at his friends.

"Now, I would like you all to gather around and come up here for a moment," Slughorn motioned for the class to stand and begin moving. Everyone moved at once, the sounds of the stools scraping against the ground as they all stood up surrounded the room.

They all moved towards the front of the room and gathered around the three cauldrons that Slughorn stood by.

"Now, I've prepared a few concoctions this morning. Any ideas what these might be?" Slughorn questioned as he looked at his class.

As usual Morgana's hand was the first to shoot into the air.

"Yes, Miss-," Slughorn began.

"LeStrange. Morgana LeStrange," Morgana introduced herself, "That's veritaserum," she pointed to the first cauldron, "It's basically a truth serum, it forces the drinker to tell the truth. It's clear and odorless so it's pretty easy to slip into one's drink."

"Good job, Miss LeStrange. 5 points to Slytherin," he looked around at his other students, "Anyone else?"

Pansy stepped forward, "Pansy Parkinson," she introduced herself confidently before pointing towards the second cauldron, "That's amormentia, it's a love potion, in a way. But it causes more of an infatuation and obsession in the drinker than actual love. It smells different to each person, according to what attracts them. For example, I smell vanilla, old books, and-," she cut herself off before she could continue, "Yes, that's what this is," she stepped away and looked anywhere but at her friends, who were all smirking knowingly at her. All of them, except Morgana, whose attention was solely on the professor.

"Excellent work, Miss Parkinson. Another 5 points to Slytherin," he smiled at Pansy before looking around, "And as for the last one? Anyone? A Gryffindor perhaps," he looked at the Gryffindors, and they all seemed to slink into one another none of them brave enough to step forward, "10 points to whoever gets it right."

"It's Draught of the Living Death, sir," Damien spoke up, and all eyes went to him, "It's a potion that causes the drinker to enter a death like slumber."

"Of course a Slytherin would know all about death potions," Ron Weasley scoffed from his place with his fellow Gryffindors. Morgana rolled her eyes at his words.

"Clean your ears, Weasley. Damien said it was like death, not that it was death," Morgana sneered at him.

"Morgana and-," Slughorn looked at Damien, waiting for the young Slytherin to give his name.

"Riddle," Damien began, "Damien Riddle."

Slughorn seemed to tense up at the sound of Damien's name, and he stared at the young wizard silently. Damien's eyebrow lifted silently as he watched a slew of emotions flash across the professor's face before a smile formed once more, albeit a forced a one.

"Mr. Riddle. It is a pleasure," he said simply with a nod of his head before he looked at the others, "Morgana and Damien are correct. Draught of the Living Death puts you in a slumber that is like death, but not quite. And that will be the potion you will be making in your next lesson. The winner will receive a special potion. Felix Felicis."

"Liquid Luck," Morgana stated, a small grin taking over her features, "A potion that makes the drinker lucky for a small period of time."

"Know-It-All," Ron coughed into his hand.

"Soulless Ginger," Morgana snapped back, glaring at the Weasley.

"Death Eater," Ron growled.

"Blood traitor," Morgana sneered.

"At least my mother isn't some crazy bitch who belongs in Azkaban's sanitarium," Ron clenched his jaw. Morgana moved to grab her wand, but before she could hex Ron into oblivion, Pansy placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Not here, Morg," Pansy whispered into her ear. Morgana's jaw clenched as she reluctantly let go of her wand, placing it back in her robes.

"That's right. Listen to your pug faced dog," Ron smirked. Damien had had enough. He stepped forward his jaw clenched tightly.

"Hey, Weasel," he said, and when Ron turned to look at him, Damien punched him in the nose. It was an excellent punch. It landed square in Ron's face. It almost rivaled the time Morgana punched Draco back in third year.

"That is enough! Break it up! Break it up!" Slughorn shouted as he stepped between Ron and Damien before Ron could retaliate. Draco and Morgana instantly rushed to their friend's side, Pansy and Blaise standing in front of him to defend him from Ron if need be.

"You are supposed to be peers!" Slughorn shouted as he looked between Ron and the five Slytherins that huddled near one another, "I am afraid I will have to give you detention-,"

"Ha!" Ron smirked smugly at Damien.

"Mr. Weasley," Slughorn turned to look at Ron, "You started this whole situation because you could not accept the fact that Morgana, despite being a Slytherin and despite having a dark mother, is smarter than you."

"Everyone's smarter than him," Blaise muttered under his breath, but all of his friends heard him and they all chuckled lowly at his words. 

"But Professor, he hit me!" Weasley motioned to his now busted and bleeding nose.

"You insulted his friends, Mr. Weasley. If I were him, I would have done the same," Slughorn said honestly, "Detention, Mr. Weasley and 20 points from Gryffindor."

All of the Gryffindor groaned in harmony, and the Slytherin's all smirked at their counterparts. Slughorn sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose,  "Class is cancelled for the day. Be on your way."

No one bothered to wait and see if the professor would change his mind. They all moved quickly to gather their supplies then be off. The five Slytherin friends all made their way to the door, but stopped when Slughorn called for Damien.

"Mr. Riddle, stay behind with me for a moment," Slughorn called.

Damien froze and looked at his friends silently. They all looked at him in concern, but he just waved his hand dismissively, "Go. I'll be alright. I'll see you in DADA."

"Good luck, Dame," Morgana whispered softly and he gave them a single nod as he watched them leave. Once they were gone and the door was closed, he turned to look at the new potions professor. He took a step forward, a look of indifference on his face.

Slughorn looked down at the young man silently before he spoke, "I know who you are."

Damien froze for a moment, but he quickly regain his composure and plastered on a fake look of confusion, "What do you mean, Professor?"

"Do not play games with me....Harry Potter."

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