Chapter 7: The Sorting

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The group of five had ventured off of the train together, all dressed in their school robes and walking with the confidence of the pure-bloods they were. Heads held high, and a slight swagger in their step. Damien took the lead, as he always did, with Morgana trailing behind him on his right, and Draco doing the same on his left. Blaise and Pansy taking up the space between the second and third in command.

Damien grunted when he was bumped into, and he looked down to rip into whoever dared to touch him, but he found his gaze softening slightly when he saw it was only Luna Lovegood. She looked at him silently for a moment before flashing him a grin.

"My, Harry! You've sure grown taller," she said as she grinned at him. Damien was taken aback by how Luna could have possibly known is old identity, "Oh, but you do not go by Harry any longer, do you? No it is Damien now, correct? I assumed you've learned the truth then," Luna sang in that usual dreamy tone of hers.

"How did you-," Damien cut himself off when he heard Hagrid shout for the students to board the buses and carriages as he looked down at Luna, who just continued to smile at him, "We will talk later, Luna."

"Of course, Damien! I must find Neville after all!" Luna spun around and raced off to go in search of her boyfriend. The group of five watched her silently before moving towards the carriages.

"How did Lovegood know your old name, Damien?" Draco asked as the group climbed into one of the carriages.

"I'm not sure," Damien said honestly. He hadn't told Luna anything of himself. He hadn't even spoken to the Ravenclaw alone since maybe his Third, or was it Fourth Year?

"She's a Seer," Morgana spoke up, and four sets of eyes turned to her.

"Like Trelawney?" Blaise asked, tilting his head in confusion. Morgana scoffed at him.

"That woman is a fraud. She shouldn't even be allowed to be called a professor. No, Luna is a true Seer. I've read about them in a book in my library at home," Morgana began. That was no surprise to the other four. Once Bellatrix and Rudopholus learned of Morgana's love of books, they built her an entire library. She had spent almost every day there over the summer, "I learned Seers are gifted witches and wizards who have the ability to see the future with their Inner Eye. True Seers are very rare, and they are the most praised in the Wizarding World."

As the group listened closely to Morgana's explanation, they all nodded their heads slowly. It explained a lot.

"Perhaps we should see if Luna would join our cause," Pansy was the first to speak after the lesson on Seers that Hermione gave her, "It could be very beneficial to have a Seer on our side."

"Plus she is probably the least likely to become suspected of helping us seeing as she is a Ravenclaw," Draco said, agreeing with Pansy's idea of recruiting Luna.

"I will talk with her," Damien said simply, and that was the end of that conversation. The rest of the ride to Hogwarts held easy conversation, such as the sorting that Damien and Morgana would have to go through once again.

Though this time, both teens were certain they would end up Slytherin. Especially since they had planned on asking the Sorting Hat to place them in that house. Neither of them wanted to be away from their friends, and also they needed to be near Snape to feed him information they gathered so he could report it back to Tom.

Once they arrived at Hogwarts, all five wizards and witches climbed out of the carriage and made there way into the school with the rest of the students. Since Morgana and Damien had to be sorted over again, they were forced to remain with the First Years, while Draco, Blaise, and Pansy had to go straight to the Great Hall.

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