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Y/n's POV

Getting in my car after they went past security, starting it backing out driving back to my penthouse. As the sun starts to set down as my best friend Constantine comes in.

         "Y/n? Can we talk?" He asks me as I nod to him as he closes the door behind him, "So what did you and Rosé talk about?"

          "We talked about us, one thing led to another we fucked, I might have gotten her pregnant," I say taking a slight pause letting out a small sigh,"I don't know what to do. I gave her my new number so that she can text me if she is pregnant."

          "What are you thinking about doing Y/n?" he asks looking at me as I look out of the window, "You aren't thinking about going back are you?"

         "If she is pregnant, I'm going to go back to help," I tell him turning around to see him shaking his head.

         "She cheated on you Y/n," He says standing up

         "Yes, she did, but if she is pregnant with my child, I will be with her to raise it it's just the way I was raised," I explain to him taking a sip of my bourbon setting my cup down slicking my hair back.

         "Well, I don't think I can talk you out of this, so might as well support you," He says letting out a long sigh.

"Thank you," I smile as he gets up exiting the room as I get to my closet taking off my shirt looking for a comfier shirt to wear as Constantine comes back in.

         "Hey, what do yo- God damn! those are some scratches," He exclaimed making me laugh as I put a shirt one.

        "They are from Rosé," I tell him walking back to my desk opening up my laptop pulling up the financial documents that needs to be revised, "I'm going make you the president of the Europe branch if I have to go back to Korea."

        "Wait, seriously?" He asks confused, "Why me? There is plenty of more qualified people in the branch that could do better then me."

       "But I can trust you, Constantine," I tell him, "I'm sending you the documents over right now okay?" He nods going to his room, I smile as my phone goes off to see Rosé's number shows up. I pick it up reading the text.

Rosie Posie: I miss you

I crack a small smile,

Me: You just seen me a couple of hours ago

Rosie Posie: But I miss you so much.

Me: Everything will be okay, you'll most likely see me soon.

Rosie Posie: Really?? Tell me when~

Me: Idk

I chuckle putting my phone back down send the documents over to Constantine, closing my laptop.  I get a phone call from Jennie, picking it up quickly.

         "Hello?" I say holding my phone up to my ear.

"Heyy Y/n~ you're on speaker phone with us," Lisa screams out followed by a couple of giggles making me chuckle.

         "Hello girls, how are you guys doing?" I ask them.

"We are fine, just landed and got to our dorm, Hurry up ROSIE" Jisoo says and finishes screaming out.

         "That's good girls," I say back to them as I get up opening my closet grabbing a change of clothes, as I heard some running.

 " Hi, Y/n" Rosie says in her Australian accent that I still love so much.

         "Hi Rosie Posie," I say back to her copying her accent making them giggle making me smile.

"Where is Constantine?" I hear Jisoo ask as the others girls "ooo-ed"

         "I'll give his number, so that you can call him," I chuckle texting her his number as she runs off to get her phone.

"And~ there she goes~" Jennie says watching Jisoo run off, "So Y/n what are you going do if our Rosie is pregnant?"

       I switch on my camera as they do the same, propping it up somewhere, "Easy, Jennie, I'm going to be with her to raise the child so the child won't be without a father."

"Aww," Jennie and Lisa say hugging each other as Rosie hides her face.

      I chuckle as I walk back to my desk in my new change of clothes opening my laptop propping up my phone against,"Well, what is it that you guys wanted to talk about? I know that isn't all."

Jennie nods taking the phone away from the others walking to the balcony, "What's going to happen Y/n? Can you handle being around her let alone raising a child together?"

     I sigh, "I know about your worries, Jennie but I can handle it."

"If you need anything Y/n," She takes a slight pause, "Lisa, Jisoo, and myself will drop anything to help you."

    I smile, "Thank you, I appreciate every single one of you guys, Bye."

           "Bye" She replies as I hang up the phone getting up leaving to the kitchen throwing something together real quick to satisfy my hunger. Taking my bowl of kimchi fried rice back to my room, I heard giggling coming from Constantine's room making me smile closing my door, eating, and calling it a night.

*Time skip 2 weeks*

It's been a few weeks since I last talked to the girls of blackpink as I wake up opening the curtains letting the son come into my room brightening everything up with the natural light. Walking to my bathroom turning on my shower throwing my clothes into the hamper hopping into the hot shower soothing my muscles.

Getting out of the shower, putting on my sweats holding my shirt as I walk out the kitchen thinking of what to make for my breakfast before I start to work.

        "Hey Y/n," I hear a voice call out from behind me, I look where the voice was coming from.

Rosé, she has her bags in the living room holding a stick, handing it to me as I realize it's a pregnancy test as I look at the results, my eyes widen.

        "Surprise," She says with a hint of worry in her voice, "I need you now."

 I wrap my arms around her hugging her, "I'll be by your side when ever you need me."






A/n: Yeet, I lost my pills and living by myself at a nice tender age of 17 is fun and all but god damn it gets boring sometimes.

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