Ending 1:Rosè

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Y/n's POV

The sun comes shining through the window of the hotel, Tiffany still sleeping with her back facing me. I get up getting my pants and shirt back on, looking back at her writing her a quick note. I leave the hotel room getting into a taxi heading home, I get home taking a deep breath before entering the house. The home quiet, I walk upstairs checking my kids' room. They are sleeping soundly, I walk into Jooyoung's room first fixing his tiny blanket making it cover his body. He stirs awake.

                       "Oh Hi dad, you're back?" He asks groggily making me chuckle softly.

                       "Yes, I'm back kiddo," I smile down at him, "Sleep more its early," I tell him and he nods closing his eyes again. I walk over to Eunbyul's room, she's already up and brushing her hair, "What you are doing up already my little princess?"

                         She turns around, smiling and runs to me for a hug, I scoop her up for it, "I was waiting for you papa, but I fell asleep and then I heard the door open."

                        "Well I'm home, so sleep more. You need it," She nods getting back in bed, I tuck her in kissing her forehead. I walk to my room grabbing a change of clothes heading to the bathroom, turning on the shower.  During my shower, my mind is racing with the thoughts of Rosie and that fucker. I try to shake the thoughts out, I finish cleaning my self and get out putting on my clothes. I look at the time and walk downstairs to start making breakfast for my kids. Grabbing the pan I need to cook the bacon, I hear the doorbell ring. I go and look at the screen in my kitchen that shows who it is. Rose. I shake my head going back to the stove, as the pan is hot enough. I throw the bacon on as the bell rings again. I sigh walking to the door opening it to reveal a tired, red eyed Rosie.

                           "Hi," Her voice, coarse, dry, she seems like she hasn't slept.

                            "What are you doing here?" I ask her as she rubs her arms that is covered with my sweater that she took from me years ago.

                            "I had to get away from him," She looks down at the ground, "And this is the only place I know where to go."

                           "Why not to your parents?" I look at her as I remember the bacon, "Follow me," I tell her and she nods as I walk to the kitchen. She closes the door behind her.

                             "They are too far and I had to get away quickly," She sits on one of the bar stools at the counter.

                             I flip the bacon, "Why did you have to get away?" I turn around looking at her as she looks away from me. I walk over to her, "Take off the sweater."

                             "What? Why?" She holds onto the sweater tightly looking up at me.

                            "You're hiding something under it," I glare at her, "So take it off or I'll rip it off you, and you know you and I won't like that."

                            She nods slightly, taking off the sweater. Her arms covered in bruises, bruises around her neck. Evidence of attempted asphyxiation, "Who did this to you?"


                          "I'm going to fucking kill that little shit," I turn off the stove going to grab my keys when Rosie grabbed my wrist.

                            "Don't leave, I just need you to hold me and tell me everything is going to be alright."

                            I sigh wrapping my arms around her, she hops up wrapping her arms and legs around my neck and waist. I walk back to the stove turning it back on to finish cooking the bacon.

                            "He might come here looking for me," She whispers in my ear, I slight nod as I plate the bacon. I get some eggs out, I crack and whisk them up cooking them in the same pan I used to cook the bacon.  Jooyoung and Eunbyul down seeing their mother in my arms. She sees them and jumps down developing them in a tight hug. I hear the door bell ring again, I look at the screen, Tobias.

                          "Just come out Rosè, I know you are in there," He screams out pounding on the door.

                           "Get upstairs, take the kids and lock the door," I tell Rosie, she nods leading the kids upstairs into the master bedroom. I walk to one of the cabinets, unlocking the small safe getting out my Glock 17 turning off the safety. I walk to the door opening the door, "What do you want?"

                           "Get out Rosie right now," He yells at me, with his stout figure.

                           "Why should I listen to you?" I ask him checking the chamber of the gun, "I've seen the bruises."

                            "Why should that matter to you?" He stands his ground," She isn't yours, she's mine I took her from you."

                            "You do know that we haven't gotten a divorce yet so she is still mine and the mother to my kids."

                             "I'm gonna take your kids too," I push him against the wall , holding the gun flush to his head.

                             "What did I tell you last time you mentioned my fucking kids," I clock the hammer back. He smirks to himself.

                             "Oh did I hit a nerve?" The condescending bastard says matter of factually.

                             "I will fucking kill you," I move my finger to the trigger, " Don't test me, I've killed before."

                            "Bullshit, you haven't done shit," He smiles looking up at me.

                            "He was a member of the Australian Special Forces, don't test him," I hear Rosè say, we both snap our heads towards her standing at the base of the stairs.

                           "Rosè get in my car now," Tobias tells her trying to move closer to her. I keep my hold on him.

                            "I've called the cops Y/n," She says I nod moving the gun away from his hand handing it Rosè.

                             "Put it back in the safe," She nods as she disappears into the kitchen as the cops arrive handcuffing Tobias. Asking us questions about what he did, trespassing and abuse.

                            I sit on the couch taking a deep breath leaning back, "Hey Y/n," I look over at Rosie.

                            "Whats up?"

                             "I want to tell you thank you for protecting me and the kids and I want to say sorry that I cheated again," She knees down on the floor.

                           "Come here," I tell her and she stands up walking to closer to me, I wrap my arms around her, hugging her tightly. She runs her hands through my hair. Tears start to fall from my eyes soaking into her shirt, " I love you so much, don't leave me."

                          "I never will again, I love you too." 

A/n: One ending down another one to go and it will be up mostly on saturday. I hope you enjoy this ending.

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