one ; special

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park sora was always a huge introvert, probably due to the fact that she was homeschooled for her middle school years. she wasn't bullied or anything like that when she was in elementary school, but she just was overly nervous as a kid and naturally awkward, which fueled her decision to stay home.

when she was younger, sora didn't care much for social hierarchies, but now that sora was in high school, a year 1 student at age 16, she decided that she should step out of her comfort zone. her parents agreed. although she'd surely have trouble adjusting, sora was sure that it couldn't be that bad...

but as her first day of school arrived, sora felt horribly nervous and anxious. she walked into the wide, lengthy halls of her new high school, kq academy, and she didn't know anyone. the worst part was that she didn't know how to make friends. things were already looking down for her.

sora timidly sat in her first period class in the back, observing all of her new classmates from afar. the girls seemed so lively and confident; how could she step out like that? she took notes on their behaviors and style.

also, the boys were laughing loudly, seeming like they were all so close with each other. sora wished she had close friends like that. it really did suck being introverted.

one boy who sat a couple rows in front of sora was radiating more than anyone in the room. his glow of pure happiness and confidence was something that nobody else compared to. he laughed and entertained everyone, seeming like he was the most friendly and outgoing. after listening to some people's conversations, which only good things were said about him, she found out that his name was choi san.

san was a goal to sora. if sora was going to make friends with people this year, she decided she should start with san. he seemed so likeable, kind, and welcoming.

throughout the day, sora spotted san in a few of her classes, much to her benefit. at the end of her math class, still nothing had happened between them yet.

the last bell rang, and sora didn't know where to find her locker. the halls were so vast, she was lost. san and a few boys were whispering about her, since sora had an obvious look of confusion on her face.

san took a stand, approaching sora himself. sora's heart pounded loudly when she made eye contact with the pretty boy who was only inches away.

he smiled, "hi, i'm san. are you new here?"

"yeah, was it obvious?" asked sora.

he shook his head, "no, i've just never seen you here before. so... are you getting your way around here okay?"

the two began to walk in no particular direction. sora told him, "it's a little confusing. i'll figure it out though."

"do you want me to help you out?" san asked sweetly, to which sora shrugged.

"if you have time, i need help finding my locker..." she felt embarrassed to say it.

san shot her a bright grin and nodded, "sure, just tell me what number and i'll show you."

"a-alright, it's locker 2418." sora said.

san nodded, "follow me."

after a while of walking down steps and turning corners, san and sora finally arrived at her locker. before san would part with her, he said, "i just realized, i don't even know your name. you are...?"

"park sora." she smiled softly.

san nodded energetically, "ah, okay sora. here's your locker. if you ever get lost again, tell me."

it seemed like god was working a miracle for san to be talking to her and helping her right now. how did he even notice me?

"okay, san." sora nodded. "thanks."

"see you later, sora." he said as he began to walk off, probably to his own locker. once he met up with his group of friends again, sora felt nervous again.

it was like only when san was around could sora feel comfortable. he had a magical aura, almost like a spell. his presence was so lovely to her.

as he turned a corner and left her sight, sora sighed. she couldn't believe how well she did. maybe that was san's very own super power, to make everyone feel warm and welcome.

sora opened up her locker and transferred some books into it before walking home. she couldn't stop thinking of san. it was crazy how much she liked him already after one day of meeting him. san was someone special... and sora hoped she'd earn that place in his heart one day as well.

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