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Song- Older

If Draco had been nervous about the coronation, that was nothing compared to an actual wedding. He had only been to one wedding in his whole life, and it was ridden with sadness and anxiety and failed after two minutes.

Somehow, he had a feeling this one would be better. Assuming Ron and Blaise didn't murder each other, and Pansy and Hermione didn't have sex at the altar.

He tugged on his sleeves as he waited for the ceremony to start.

The group had decided to wear the colors of their own kingdoms, rather than traditional black tuxedos and white gowns. 

Ron stayed with the traditional black tuxedo, but he added a red tie, and an accentuating red rose pinned to his chest. Blaise matched him, but added the factor of a red crown of roses on his head. Ron pretended to be offended by this and got a circlet of gold, shaped like leaves, and decided to wear that. They both looked like the kings they were.

Draco and Harry had both decided on black tuxedos with green ties. They wore their matching silver crowns, and had an added green touch- the small emerald bracelets they had gotten together.

Pansy and Hermione had decided on becoming the exact opposite of each other. Pansy wore a gorgeous golden dress, and had deep blue earrings and bracelets. She wore her hair up in a crown braid, and added small blue flowers to accentuate it. Hermione wore a stunning deep blue gown, with gold earrings and bracelets. Her hair was in a soft bun, with a gold circlet around it.

Despite appearing so on the outside, none of them were ready to be married.

And yet here they stood.

Ron and Blaise had had a terrible fight the night before over which one of them was to walk down the aisle, before Ron realized Blaise's argument was coming from a place of dysphoria and he didn't want to be associated with the feminine appeal of walking down the aisle. Hermione had practically begged Pansy to walk down the aisle, she didn't want all the eyes on her. Harry had volunteered, before Draco threatened him with death by decapitation.

So Ron, Pansy, and Draco walked down the aisle, bouquets in their hands to match their kingdoms.

Draco's eyes were focused on Harry the entire time.

The boy was staring at him, his green eyes sparkling in the light, and Draco couldn't help but think of the first time he had seen those eyes.

And in the time of about a year, they were getting married.

And sure, Draco was terrified.

But every time he was scared, he just thought of the day he first kissed Harry, of how terrified he was then. Of the time he was so ready to propose, he was terrified then. Of the realization that he would never marry him because he was a commoner, he was terrified then. 

And now he could. He was past the fear, the terror, the overwhelming rush of dread and fear. He was Draconis Malfoy, goddamit, and he was a king.

And he was standing right in front of Harry, who's eyes were so bright and scared and excited.

He stopped walking, and let go of the bouquet with one hand to hold Harry's. The other boy smiled at him.

"Dearly beloved," the preacher started. "We are gathered together here to unite Draconis and Harry, Persephone and Hermione, and Blaise and Ronald in marriage. This contract is not to be entered into lightly, but thoughtfully and seriously with a deep realization of its obligations and responsibilities. Please remember that love, loyalty, and understanding are the foundations of a happy and enduring home."

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