Chapter 1: Cozy Sitting

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Sana and Mina liked to call their apartment "cozy". It was all they could afford as poor college students, a tiny one bedroom apartment, but it was perfect for them. They had been sleeping together since they moved in during freshman year, so one bedroom suited them just fine. The furniture they owned could be counted on one hand--a bed, a TV, a coffee table that tripled as a dining table and desk, and a sofa--but it was all they really needed.

Sana especially adored their sofa. It was comfortable and it was tiny, which meant that Mina and Sana spent a lot of their time at the apartment cozily squished next to each other whether they were watching TV, playing games, or eating. At the moment, Mina was writing her midterm paper with her laptop on her lap while Sana sat next to her and played on her phone.

This was one of the rare occasions where Sana wasn't having fun while sharing the sofa with Mina. The older girl sighed quietly as she gazed at Mina's focused expression. Mina's attention had been devoted to schoolwork for the last three hours. And while Sana fully understood the importance of prioritizing schoolwork, she was lonely, to put it mildly.

"Mittang?" Sana asked gently.

"Hmm?" came Mina's distracted reply, her eyes never leaving her laptop screen.

Sana tried again. "Minari?"


Sana pouted at the lazy reply. "Mina-chan..."

"One second," Mina murmured as her fingers flew across the keyboard.

The older girl sighed again. She put down her phone and turned on her most dangerous voice. "Myoui Mina-san."

The sharp edge to Sana's voice finally caught Mina's attention. She turned away from the laptop and looked in Sana's direction, her fiercely focused expression melting into an affectionate gaze that made Sana's heart flutter. It was amazing how a little bit of attention could make Sana forget any stretch of time that Mina ignored her for schoolwork.

"Using my full name, huh? Should I be scared?" Mina asked playfully, not at all frightened. Sana was the softest girlfriend ever, even when she was mad, and Mina was reminded of Sana's softness as she watched a pouty Sana take her laptop hostage before climbing sideways into Mina's lap.

Mina bit back an amused smile at Sana's adorable behavior. "Are you looking for affection or sex?"

"Affection," Sana replied firmly, and then her certainty immediately wavered. "...and sex." She pouted again at Mina's smirk. "What? There's nothing wrong with wanting both!"

Mina giggled and brushed the stray hair from Sana's eyes. "There definitely nothing wrong," she confirmed, "but I need to finish this paper. I'm almost done. Give me fifteen more minutes."

"You said that fifteen minutes ago," Sana complained.

"And now I'm fifteen minutes closer to being done. Now scoot," Mina said. She gave Sana's butt a gentle swat to urge Sana off her lap, but Sana was undeterred.

"No. This is the coziest seat in the apartment," she insisted. "I'm not giving it up."

"This sofa or my lap?"

Sana narrowed her eyes at Mina's feigned ignorance, Mina's eyes sparkling mischievously all the while. They both knew how much Sana loved sitting on Mina's lap.

Mina finally decided that she had teased and neglected Sana long enough. Wrapping her arms gently around Sana's waist, she began to trail cotton candy kisses down Sana's neck, enjoying Sana's soft whines of approval. Sana shivered with delight as Mina's lips moved to the skin beneath her ear.

Mina's lap was truly the coziest place Sana had ever known. It was safe and warm within Mina's arms, with Mina's pillowy lap supporting her from below. In their tiny apartment on their tiny sofa, she never needed anything more as long as she had Mina.

"Don't drop my laptop," Mina warned as a gentle nip to Sana's ear caused a deep shudder of delight to course through Sana's body.

The older girl smirked and hugged the laptop closer to her chest. "And give up the sole reason you're paying attention to me right now? I think not."

Mina laughed and put her hands on top of Sana's, trying to think of a compromise to free her stolen laptop. "How about for every minute I work on this paper past fifteen minutes, you get one minute to have your way with me when I'm done?"

Sana's eyes widened in delight at the proposal. "You mean it?"

Mina held up three fingers and promised. "Scouts honor."

"Deal," Sana agreed, returning the laptop back to Mina. "But I can't sit away from you for fifteen minutes."

"I can't work with you in my lap though," Mina frowned. "What do you suggest?"

Sana smiled and slid into the empty sofa cushion next to them. Then she pointed at her lap, motioning for Mina to sit on her.

The younger girl smiled dubiously. "Are you serious?"

"Dead serious."

Mina laughed and shook her head. "There's no way I'm getting any work done on your lap. You can't keep your hands off me for even a second."

"I promise I won't bother you," Sana insisted. "Scouts honor!"

"You weren't a girl scout."

"Get your ass over here," Sana demanded.

Five minutes later, Mina's laptop lay discarded on the coffee table, her term paper still fifteen minutes from completion. They had both known it was impossible for Mina to finish her work the moment she climbed into Sana's lap.

In between heated kisses with the girl who was busily unbuttoning her blouse, Sana tried to apologize. "Sorry I distracted you from your schoolwork. I didn't mean to."

"What a lie," Mina mumbled breathlessly into Sana's mouth. She straddled Sana's lap so that they could kiss more comfortably. "But it's OK. I'm sure I can find fifteen minutes before class to finish my paper. I'll just wake up early tomorrow."

Sana pulled back from the kiss, whining at the thought of Mina's warm body abandoning her in bed earlier than usual.

Mina blinked incredulously at the reaction. "Are you kidding me, Sana? I've just given up on schoolwork for you. I'm straddling your lap, undressing you as we speak, and five minutes away from giving you the best orgasm of your life, and you're really going to whine about me getting out of bed early?"

"I can't help it," Sana pouted. "It's so cozy sleeping next to you in the morning. Why do you have to be so cozy all the time?"

Mina couldn't help but smile affectionately as Sana removed her shirt, Sana's lips gently kissing the milky skin between Mina's breasts before she nestled her cheeks there comfortably.

"Don't leave me before you have to," Sana mumbled, and Mina could only hug her girlfriend tightly, warmth permeating her heart because Mina also knew how cozy it was to wake up in their tiny bed with Sana clinging to her.

"The things I do for you," Mina jokingly complained. But she felt her breath catch when Sana lifted her head and looked up at her, bright eyes shining with adoration.

"It's because you love me, and I love you, too," Sana replied simply.

"Yeah," Mina agreed with a loving smile, and Sana rested her head back against Mina's chest. Sana's warm arms embraced her as Mina sat on the coziest seat in the apartment. "Because you love me and I love you, too."

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