Chapter 5: Cozy Christmas, Part 2

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On the fourth day of Sana's Christmas coupons, Mina and Sana were squished together on their tiny little sofa again with an atmosphere that was decidedly more heated than yesterday's peaceful reading session. Sana couldn't help but stare at Mina face as the younger girl sat in her lap, Mina's cheeks flushed and her breathing shallow, low gasps of appreciation escaping Mina's lips at all the right moments. They were nearly at the climax and Mina was so tense with anticipation that Sana could feel Mina's excitement swelling up to unbearable levels.

And then it finally came, the smash of The Hulk's fist against the Leviathan that hurtled toward the Avengers, a fiery explosion from Iron Man's missile that had chunks of burning Leviathan flesh falling to the ground, and the cinematic swell of music that accompanied the full camera pan of the assembled Avengers, Mina's favorite scene from her favorite Marvel movie.

[Rent a movie together]

Mina had unsurprisingly chosen to watch The Avengers for the umpteenth time upon seeing Sana's coupon this morning. Sana had no idea why they didn't already own a copy of the 2012 movie that they had watched more times than they could count, but there was a Blu-ray copy sitting under the Christmas tree for Mina this year, and Sana was pleased to see that Mina was still as excited over the Avengers movie as the first time they watched it as teenagers.

Sana still fondly remembered that date from over six years ago, one where Mina had paid more attention to the screen than to Sana's affections and where Sana had paid more attention to Mina's excitement than to the movie itself. That dynamic still existed to this day whenever they re-watched The Avengers. Sana couldn't understand everyone's fascination with superheroes and monsters and over-the-top powers, but Sana loved Mina's love for the genre.

"Whoa, that was so cool. Did you see that!?" Mina asked, turning to Sana with shining eyes and the kind of excitement that made Sana's heart feel light and full of happiness.

Sana's eyes crinkled with utmost affection for Mina, smiling at her with a softness that couldn't be described in words. "Yeah, I saw it," Sana replied fondly.

Mina giggled. "No you didn't. You're just watching me." She pressed her fingers against Sana's cheek and turned the older girl to face the TV. "Watch the movie. You're missing all of the best parts!"

"Fine, fine," Sana relented, turning her attention to the TV in order to appease Mina. But she continued to watch Mina out of the corner of her eye, feeling like she was already catching all the best parts of the movie.

On the morning of the fifth day, Mina found herself looking at a rather open-ended coupon.

[Your choice!]

"'Your choice?'" Mina wondered. "I get to choose whatever I want for today's couple's activity?"

"Whatever you want," Sana confirmed with a nervous smile. After five days of coupons, Mina had grown more comfortable with waking up and opening the little black box on her chest every morning while Sana had grown a little more insecure. "And you don't even have to pick a couple's activity for today. I mean, if you're tired of all the time we've been spending together lately, you could just use the coupon for a day of alone time--I swear I won't mind--and I'll just go off on my own and not bother you at all for the rest of the day and--"

Mina leaned in and kissed Sana slowly, lovingly, her tongue sliding between Sana's lips in a tender lollipop kiss.

"You're rambling," Mina observed, pulling back from Sana just enough to gaze into Sana's slightly anxious face.

"I am?"

"You are. And you only ramble when you're nervous."

"I do?"

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