Chapter 6: Cozy Christmas, Part 3

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Sana watched over Mina fondly on Christmas morning as the younger girl slept. The tiny black box sat on Mina's chest for the seventh day in a row, the sight of which caused Sana's heart to dip and soar with a spectrum of emotions.

Her heart nearly leapt out of her chest the moment that Mina started to wake up. Time slowed in that instant and all Sana could hear was the faint rustle of sheets as Mina stirred, the soft breath of amusement as Mina's hands instinctively closed around the tiny black box, and the deafening sound of her own heart beating furiously within her chest.

"Merry Christmas, Sattang," Mina murmured, turning to give Sana a sleepy smile that was radiant enough to melt the snow that covered Osaka. Her gentle voice was laced with softness, affection, and the raspiness of sleep.

With a tender smile, Sana leaned over and nudged her nose against Mina's, silently asking for a morning kiss and receiving permission instantly. She basked in the warmth of Mina's lips for a moment before returning the festive greeting. "Merry Christmas to you too, Mittang."

Today was a slow morning, one of Sana's most favorite things in the world. She loved waking up with Mina and simply enjoying her girlfriend's presence, cuddling with Mina, kissing Mina, letting time slip away from them as though they didn't have a care in the world. Slow mornings were always cozy and relaxing--except for today because Sana was acutely aware of the little black box clutched within Mina's hand.

The younger girl let out a sigh of content as she settled back against her pillow, turning to gaze into Sana's eyes with an affectionate smile on her lips. "So this box," Mina wondered out loud, directing her attention to the box that Sana had placed on her chest for the seventh day straight without fail, "is there something special in here today, or is it another coupon?"

Mina gave the box a light shake that rattled Sana's heart more than it rattled the box's contents, and Sana could only hold her breath and try to keep up her usual air of mischievousness, acting as though there was nothing special about today even though today had the potential to become a major turning point in their relationship.

"I told you in the beginning that there would be seven days of coupons," Sana replied as Mina began to open the box. "So it's just another coupon for today..."

And really, it was just another coupon inside the box for today. But really, it wasn't just another coupon inside the box for today. Mina picked up the piece of paper carefully with both hands before reading it out loud.

[Eternally be in love with Mina. No expiration date.]

"Why no expiration date?" Mina wondered with a curious smile as she looked up from the paper in her hands. "Every other coupon expired within a day. How come this one is different?"

"Because... if you're not ready to use this coupon today, I-I wanted you to be able to hold on to it until you were ready," Sana explained, her voice trembling a bit. She smiled at her girlfriend while feeling shaky and unsteadied, nervous about what was to come.

Mina's eyes softened impossibly as she gazed at Sana, sensing Sana's anxiety and wanting to ease it. "And if I did want to use this coupon today, would YOU be ready for me to use it?"

Sana swallowed deeply, her answer tremulous but sincere. "I think I've been ready for this since the moment I first kissed you."

From the twinkle in Mina's eyes, there was no doubt in Sana's mind that Mina understood what was being implied with today's coupon. Mina was expecting to see an engagement ring when she redeemed her coupon, and she was right to expect it. After all, how could Mina expect anything less when seven days' worth of Christmas coupons had been delivered to her inside an engagement ring box.

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