Hi! My name is Marina Luna Spiritfire. I am 13. My parents died when I was two and I have been in an orphanage for 12 years. No one wants to adopt me and I am getting bullied by the others. But anyways, I should start the story, right?
Two hours later......
The sun tickled my nose and I smile a happy smile, which soon turned into a frown as I saw the bullies.
"Hey stupid Luna, no wonder you still have no fosterfamily!" Martin says
"look in the mirror, Mar-tin!" I reply in a cool, savage tone. He stumbles back, not knowing what to say or do. All the kids around say "ohhhhhhh, you got roasted like a flippin' marshmallow!" Then the orphanage staff shouted "Breakfast, you little lonely loners" and everyone ran downstairs except Martin and me. He walks towards me and grabs my neck! I gasp for air and whispered "Mar-martin, you don't want to this!" His eyes are filled with anger "Listen here, you filthy bag of scum-" He pauses. I look into his kermit green eyes and for a moment I get lost in his beautiful eyes. WAIT! What am I thinking?? I turn around and look into another pair of eyes. But these were no human eyes, they were huge! Almost like a-
"DRAGOOON!!" Martin shouts as he lets go of my neck. I fall to the ground and rub my neck. The dragon carefully lifts me by my shirt and puts me on his back. I should panic, but I have this weird feeling of home. The only other place where I get this feeling is when I am near water. The dragon has marine blue scales that shimmer in the sun like the ocean on a bright summer day. I finally take my eyes off the dragon and stare back at the kermit green eyes.
"Who is laughing now, Mar-tin? HAHAHAHAH!" I shout while my lips curl up into a grin and the dragon flies away...
This is only the beginning..........
Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of this magical book!
Byeeee my little muffins,
xoxo richffgirl
Dragon my home
FantasíaMarina Luna Spiritfire tells the REAL story about how she and her dragon met. Hint: theres gonna be blood, and a kiss! Read the book to find out more, haha <3 love you my muffins, xoxo richffgirl