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Lisa's POV

Me and my girlfriend Jennie are celebrating our 5th months for being together, well I actually planned the whole day I hope I wont fuck up.

Lisa: Nini! Can you move faster?!

Jennie: coming baby!

inside the car

I grab Jennie's hand and interwine our fingers

Jennie: baby you're driving

Lisa: I can manage sunshine /smiles

Jennie: if you say sooo

Lisa: Jen, among all of your suitors why did you choose me?

Jennie: Lisa its like you are asking me why did I pick a diamond over those stones. Of course I choose you because I can't see myself without you. You always make my days happy. You understand me all the time. You accepts me even if I am acting like a brat. You are perfect for me.

Lisa: I am not as good looking as them so why me?

I ask her but I my eyes are still on the road. I can't hide my smile because of her answer.

Jennie: Baby have you ever seen yourself? You're a fuckin goddess you are even prettier than me!

Lisa: me? prettier? than you? are you kidding me?

Jennie: Lili you are the most beautiful human living here on earth and even if you are the ugliest woman alive as long as I love you I will still choose you, because eyes doesn't beat hahahahaha heart does.

That sent the whole zoo inside my stomach

Lisa: my girlfriend is such a sweet talker

Jennie giggles as I kiss her knuckles.


The next update would be the continuation of this xoxo

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