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JenLisa after the BamLisa interaction makes the blinks go crazy

J: yah! you said I am the only one!

Jennie whines as she punch Lisa's stomach

L: that hurts you dumpling!

J: Now you are shouting at me! You don't love me anymore go to your Kunpimook Bhuwakul

Jennie runs to their shared bedroom and sulk at the edge of the bed

L: Jennie-yah mianhe (sorry) we are bros you know?

J: whatever bitch sleep beside kuma!

L: Fu--

J: wHAT?!

L: Fu-luffy! What I mean is kuma is really fluffy! right kuku? *hugs kuma* ha ha ha

L: Fu-luffy! What I mean is kuma is really fluffy! right kuku? *hugs kuma* ha ha ha

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