Lost my diary

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Emily's alarm went off, it is 4:30 am. Time to get ready for another school day. Emily rub her tired eyes before she opens them. She walk to the bathroom where she brush her teeth and comb her hair. She went to her closet and get some clothes to wear. She pick out a dark black jeans and a light pink crop top to wear. Emily decides to leave her hair down. After putting on makeup she put her dairy in her bag and went out her room to make some breakfast.

At school Emily has math the first period. Chelsea was not in her math class. She sat alone in class at the back. After math she meet up with Chelsea where they go to history together. Emily could not wait for the bell to ring for the end of the period because she hate history. When the bell ring Emily and Chelsea went out of the class. They were busy to walk to their lockers when Hannah push Emily to the ground "watch where you are going loser" she said with rolled eyes. Emily try to get up quickly to walk away before allot of students could saw her. She did not look back and did not see that her most important posession her diary fell out of her bag.


Two male hands pick up the pink dairy and put it in his bag before he left for his next class before the school bell ring.


When Emily gets at home she went to her room to put her bag on her bed and to get out her precious dairy, she could not find it. She looked everywhere for it she could not find it. She felt powerless and heartbroken for loosing her dairy. Her father bought her the dairy before he past away because of brain cancer. It is all she had left of her father. And now she lost her most valueble possession. She hope she will find it soon.

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