Chapter 1

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All the crew members were gathered in the meeting room. The CEO of YG entertainment, Yang Hyun-suk was there as well. The atmosphere was solemn and it was making me nervous.

"Sorry we're late," they apologised as they walked into the meeting room, bowing. I couldn't help but stare, I mean who wouldn't? They're after all, the world record breakers, Blackpink. Jisoo stepped into the room first, followed by Chaeyoung and Jennie, lastly, Lisa. I accidentally locked eyes with Lisa, she gave me a small smile and I immediately looked away.

"It's alright girls, take a sit." YG sajangnim said before gesturing for them to take a sit. I squirmed in my seat as I tried to calm my nerves down, waiting for them to settle down, and with Lisa sitting right next to me, it wasn't easy.

"Alright, so we have to prepare for your comeback." (A/N: lol I wish) YG scanned the room slowly, his hands clasped together on his lap. All of us nodded and he proceeded to give us a timeline on what and when he expects us to have our music video, recordings and photo shoots done.

"We'll start later at 2 O'clock. Girls, get ready for your recordings, we'll record Kill the love first before the rest, then Y/N can edit while you guys record the rest." My heart started to race when the four girls looked at me and nodded. I nodded nervously and gripped onto the chair tightly. "Alright, proceed." And with that we were all dismissed.

Being the closest to the door, I opened the door for the rest of the crew to step out. Lisa was the last one to leave the room. She stopped in front of me and was about to say something but was cut of when Chaeyoung called for her. She closed her mouth and thanked me before walking out of the room briskly.

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