Moveing in with him

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He came and stood behind me and grabbed my hand as the doctor started spreading a cold gel on my stomach. He got this wand thing out and rubbed it over the gel to start the ultrasound. A picture in black and white popped up on the screen. "Well it is still to early to determine if they are boys or girls but if you would like I can let you hear their hearts." he told us. My jaw dropped in shock. "How many exactly is they?" I asked him. He looked at the screen a moment then back to me and David he then replied "Three." that's all it took. I felt David's hand slip from mine and heard a thump. I looked over to see David laying on the floor passed out. After looking at him for a moment the doctor got down on the floor beside him and smacked him lightly on the face before calling his name "David com on wake up already." After a moment his eyes fluttered open. He stood up after looking around the room as if he was trying to make sure he was were he thought he was. He grabbed my hand again and leaned down to whisper "I was not expecting that." I giggled a bit as the doctor went to sit in his chair again. "Well moving on. Would you like to hear their heart beats?" I nodded and I felt David nod his head as he rested his chin on my shoulder. The doctor twisted a nob on the machine, and a quite thumping sound filled the room. I smiled at the sound. I felt a warm drop of water hit my arm and looked to see David crying. He isn't a heartless as most think. He is strong but can be sweet and right now he is caring. He cares about the three babies growing inside of me right now and that means a lot. "Would you like me to print out a copy?" the doctor asked. "Yes we would love some." I said answering for both of us. The doctor then pressed button and wiped the gel off my stomach. "I will need to get you parental vitamins and I will have to check on your morning sickness every now in then to make sure it isn't to severe." he told us as I pulled my shirt back down. We both nodded in understanding as he walked out of the room for a moment. He came back with pictures and vitamins in his hands. He handed them both to me and motioned for us to walk out the door. "Well Mina David I want to see you every two weeks to check up on them three and you Mina." I smiled and said "Of course." David smiled and shook his hand "I will call and get another appointment set up as soon as possible and thank you for seeing us on such a short notice." he said to the doctor. We walked out the building and got in his car before either of us spoke another word. "You realize you will be moving in with me right." he said. I nodded and said "But I will do so begrudgingly." I told him. He smirked at my response to moving in with him. He turned to go to my apartment and we arrived moments later. When we arrived he got out and came around to open my door. We got out my landlord was standing in the lobby. He started walking toward me and I told him "I'm moving out of the apartment." I told him quietly. He is a known drunk and I know how people get when they are drunk. A look o pure rage over took his face as he took a large step closer. "What do you mean you are leaving. You think since you got yourself a boyfriend you can leave." he said as his hand balled into a fist by his side. David stepped in front of me as I tried to get closer to him in fear of the man in front of me. "Don't ever speak to her that way." he said in a deadly voice. "What are you going to do about it." my landlord spoke in an angry voice. "We are going to go to her room get her stuff and then leave." he told him. We then started walking up the stairs as he pulled out his phone and texted someone. He put the phone back in his pocket as we reached my floor. "Who did you text?" I asked him. He looked over at me and smiled before he said "My older brother he has a truck and I don't and we need one to get your stuff." He told me. We walked up to my door and unlocked it. We entered and he looked around. "Why are you scared of your landlord?" he asked me out of no where after we started getting all my little knick-knacks off my shelves. "Well he is known to be drunk and he has been violent in the past." I told him truthfully. He looked at me concerned "Has he ever hurt you?" he asked me. I looked over at the door and said "About three weeks after I started working for you he came and asked me why I haven't paid for rent when it was actually my neighbor at the time. She moved out three days later. Well he grabbed my upper arms and left bruises they were there for two weeks. They wee in the shape of hands." I told him quietly "I'm pretty sure you can see glimpses of them in the cameras at the office." I looked over at him to see his face contorted in anger. We had finished with the knick-knacks when there was a knock on the door. I went to answer it because David was in my room packing up books. It of course had to be my land lord. "You need to pay this months rent."he told me and I narrowed my eyes at him. "I have already paid this months rent the only reason you don't have the money is because you spent it on beer." I said to him calmly. He grabbed my shoulders and jerked me out of the door jam and shoved me against the wall. "Don't you talk to me like that." he yelled at me. Just then a man who looks familiar walked around the corner. "What the hell is going on here?" he said as anger took over his face. I sent him a pleading look as my landlord slipped his hands around my neck and started to tighten them. Then David came out of my room and seen my landlord choking me. I clawed at his hands knowing this isn't going to end well. David rushed over and punched him square in the jaw. He released me and and tried to hit David before David punched him in the nose and broke it. He fling his hand to his nose and passed out moments later. As he hit the ground I started crying and David and the familiar man walked towards me. David grabbed me and hugged me closed to him "Sweetie it's okay. He can't hurt you any more. I don't want you to have a panic attack so take deep breaths and try to relax." He spoke softly and sweetly trying to calm me down as we walked in and sat on my couch. "I still kind of want to know what's going on." said the voice of the unknown man. "Oh sorry Xavier this is Mina and that thing laying out side is her land lord. He gave us some trouble when she told him she was moving out and I guess he didn't understand the trouble he is in now." he said to the man named Xavier. "I smiled at him and nodded. "So little lady where are you moving exactly?" he asked me quietly. "Im moving in with David." I whispered back. "Your moving in with him." he said in a shocked tone and David smiled as I shook my head yes.

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