Family oreiented man

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We went back into Mina's apartment and she sat on the couch. After a few minutes her cellphone rang and she started to stand up. "Xavier will go get it sit down and relax." I pointed to her room he nodded and disappeared behind her door. He came back a few minutes later with the phone in his hand and a shocked expression on his face. "I'm guessing the name was Bella" Xavier nodded and looked at the phone in horror. "Well Mina I think it's time for a proper introduction." I told her and she nodded and smiled weakly. "This is Xavier my half-brother. Xavier this is my fiancé Mina." I watched as my brothers mouth dropped open in shock and he look in between me and Mina. Only moments after that happened a voice came from the other side if the door a long with a voice. "Mina open the door right now. Why is your landlord on the ground bleeding? Mina open the damn door!" I got up from the couch ad walked over to the door to see what person could make that much noise. I open the door to see a girl about and inch shorter then Mina's 5 feet 4 inch frame with the same light brown hair. The only difference was she did not have Mina's sparkling crystal clear blue eyes. She had bright emerald green eyes that seemed to glitter. She snapped me out of my thoughts by slapping me hard across the face "Get out of my way I have to talk to my sister and yell at the man that picked up the phone." She told my loudly then barged into the place like I was not standing there. I followed her after closing the door behind me. As soon as she saw Mina she ran and jumped onto the worn couch beside her. "Oh Mina you had me worried the last time I talked to you was this morning and then you didn't show up for your first or second shift then some guy answers the phone and when I get here I see a bunch of boxes and your landlord on the ground. Plus you have bruises on your neck." She said all at once I barely understood her. "Well I took her to the doctor and told the landlord she was moving out he got mad wanted rent she already paid choked her so I knocked him out. My brother picked up the phone because Mina almost had a panic attack." I told her and she nodded. Then did the something shocking. She stood up walked over to my brother and punched him. "Don't you ever hang up on me when I am worried about my sister it has been just us two since our mom ran off. If I am worried about her and you hang up on me again you will have hell to pay understood." She told him. "Bella don't hit David or his brother I raised you better!" Mina scolded her in a motherly way. "This is David." She said pointing at me as Mina nodded "Yeah now let me introduce everyone." She told her. "Okay this is David and Xavier his brother. Guys meet Bella my younger sister." Mina said to everyone. "Okay Mina." I said looking at her "Lets finish packing then we can go to my parents house and tell them about the engagement." I told her and she nodded and so did Xavier. Bella on the other hand looked over at me then back to Mina and said "You are getting married?" Mina and I both nodded as Bella processed that Xavier and I started packing again. Then we heard the unmistakeable sound I crying. I turned to see Bella laying her head in Mina's shoulder as she cried. I walked over and sat down beside Mina. "What's the matter sweetie?" Mina asked her younger sister quietly. "Yo Your leaving m m me. Ju just like mom." She sobbed into Mina's shirt. "Oh no no never in my life would I leave you. I'm just movie mg houses. Remember it's been you and me since we were babies that isn't going to change because I get married or if you get married." Mina told her and her sobs became a whimper soon later. "You can move in with us if you'd like." I said quietly. Her and Mina both looked at me startled at my statement. "Well I see how much you care about each other and to tell you the truth I would be lost without my two brothers and parents. I understand your the only family each other have and that you want to stay together." I told them softly "David you don't have to do that I mean I can walk over to her apartment until later. Then we can call and then I can visit afterward." Mina told me. I shook my head no "You will come and stay with us. Ever since I was little I knew my life was going to be very big on family. It's one of the very few things I actually care about." I told them and Bella nodded quietly and smiled at me. "Take Xavier and go pack your stuff we can finish it up here." I told her loud enough for Xavier to hear me. He looked over at me and glared as she stood up and walked toward the door. Mina looked at me as they left. Why are you being so nice." I looked at her a minute then told her " I am a family oriented man. I want to keep family's together. There is nothing more to me then family. You are holding my family right here and the way to keep them and you safe is to keep another family together. I am doing this because I want to not because I have to." I told her as I stood up and helped her up to help finish packing. "Now come on we have an apartment to pack up."

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