Meeting the Parents

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I can't believe that he dose this stuff. He is so sweet but I know he is ruthless. I don't know why he is so sweet with me. He is finding our mother and my brother and father. "Bella, guess what." I said to her she looked over at me as I glanced at David. He gave me a nod as if knowing what I was about to say. "Well David and I were talking last night and this morning and he said that he may be able to find my dad, our mother, and brother." I told her. I looked at her a minute and she started to say something but she didn't. "Would you like that?" I asked her quietly. She nodded a bit. "I think I would like to see her again. I mean she hasn't been much of a mother. I would like to see our brother and I sometimes wonder how he's been doing. I've never met your dad he can't be much worse than mine." she said and I could tell that she was apprehensive but a bit happy at the taught. I seem a look come across her face and I knew she was about to ask a question. "How dose he know and why are you asking me? I mean you could do whatever." she said to me and I looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "Why wouldn't I it's our mom and brother and what would be the point of finding mom if you hate her or don't want to see her?" I ask her she just nods "Okay now how dose he know?" she asked "I told him." I said to her. She nodded "Now who's hungry?" I asked I looked around the group of us and no one said anything. "Well I'm going to fix breakfast." I said as I walked to the beautiful kitchen. No one followed and I was kinda happy because of that. I seen a small radio sitting in the corner and I flipped it on. I was lucky to find a country station with only a little static and started dancing around trying to find the ingredients to my special pancakes. I finally found everything and I was standing there mixing I up in a big bowl I found when I heard someone walk in behind me. "Are you okay?" He asked quietly. The voice of David is unforgettable quiet, firm, deep, at some times it is demanding but then at others it would make you want to do everything in your power to answer its inquiry. "Why wouldn't I be?" I asked as I started to heat up the pan. "I don't know your just not acting the same as you usually are." He said to me "Things are different and I'm not 100 % sure that they are going to be okay." I said to him as I started cooking the first of the pancakes. "It doesn't matter of they are 100% or 20% we will make them as okay as we can. Things are never what they seem but I need you to understand that I will be here to help." he said to me. I had no clue what exactly he was trying to accomplish but I guess he got it done because he walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me. "Now Xavier was being stupid last night and he told my mom about you so she is coming over for breakfast." He said in my ear quieter than usual. "I would ask you not to kill him but I don't think I will mind in this case." he said to me. I giggled a bit at that "My dad is probably at work well step dad. Even if he is rich he can't sit still." He told me a small smile I could feel pressed against my neck. They were close to the busies made from my landlords hands.I flipped the first pancake and he backed away. To stand beside me. "David," I said "Why are you so kind to me. I've seen you at work and with other people. Why are you only nice to me besides your family?" I asked him its been bugging me since yesterday. "Mina you are going to be my family soon. You are having my child and even when we were just working together I was nice. I'm not as cruel as I seem." he said to me. I looked over in to his I eyes and seen a burning intensity. I couldn't help but hope that maybe things are going to be okay. I couldn't help but think that maybe this is going to work and that he will give me a life I know I don't deserve. "I don't deserve this any of it. I don't deserve you or any of the things you are giving me. Thank you though I know you don't want a thanks but thank you anyway." I said to him. I looked down and focused on cooking as his arms again found a place around my waist. "Your right I don't want a thanks because you deserved this life. You have a kind heart and you deserved so much more then what was given to you. You and your bright eyes and beautiful smile deserved to be pampered and spoiled and despite the pain and despite the hard times you've just turned out kind and sweet and I believe you are going to be a wonderful mother and an amazing friend." he said to me and I felt my eyes fill with tears at his words. I couldn't stand how he beloved all this. I was still cooking and I took the pan off the stove and reached for the plate and flipped the pancakes onto the plate. I started the next set of pancakes. I kept making them on silence with David standing in there with me getting fruit platters ready. I was almost done when we heard the sound of the doorbell and Xavier opening the door. David finished around the same time I did and we both carried a platter of food to the table. "Hey mom" David said as we entered the room. I gave a light smile at her as we walked in there. I saw her eyes flicker to the bruises that wrapped around my neck, and as her eyes widened I looked over to David. "Mom," he called getting her attention "This is Mina and her half-sister Bella." He said to her. I watched as she looked over to Bella that was walking over to me then back to me. I held out my hand to her hoping she would take it. "Hello Mrs.Johnson how are you." I asked as she reached for my hand then for Bella's . She nodded and gave me a slight smile. "My husband is supposed to be here in a few minutes he had to grab something so I came in my own car." I heard her say speaking for the first time. She has dark brown hair and the same dark blue eyes like David's. I guess he got his black hair from his real dad. Xavier had the same build but different hair and different eyes. "Oh by the way sweetheart just call me Maggie." She said turning to me. I nodded quietly and she smiled but I could still se her eyes flash to the bruises. It was only a few moment latter that Xavier's father walked in. "Hello boys." he said as he walked to Maggie. He had the dark brown hair that Xavier had and the brown eyes. His gaze drifted over Bella then to me and I saw his eyes widen at the bruises as well. "I'm Mina this is my half-sister Bella." I said as I stuck out my hand "Im Daniel Xavier's dad and David's step dad." He said to us as he shook our hands. Their eyes kept drifting over the bruises that wrapped around my neck. it was making me nervous so I rubbed at my neck very gently an still winced in pain. David seen because he rushed over to me "Are you okay are your bruises hurting?" he asked. I smiled at him "I'm fine David it's okay I just touched them." I told him softly grabbing his hand to calm him. he gave me a slight smile as he looked back to his mother and father. I could see the mothers eyes fill with a strange emotion and I couldn't tell what it was. It looked like a mixture of understanding and then it also held adoration. it was almost as if she knew something. "Come this way we just finished breakfast." I said as I smiled politely. Maggie and Daniel followed us to the dining table and I looked at David "Do you have any maple syrup or cinnamon?" I asked and he nodded quickly "I don't know if you will be able to reach it it's on the top shelf. I'll go get it." he said and I nodded as he kissed my cheek and left. I smiled as I sat to start fixing my plate like everyone else had done. "Why do you need syrup or cinnamon?" Daniel asked a confused look on his face. I scrunched my nose up and gave him a strange look. "You put it on your pancakes." I told him. David came in then and smiled "What do you put on your pancakes?" he asked I looked at them shocked. Bella then spoke what I was thinking "Y'all have never ate syrup or cinnamon on your pancakes?" she looked so confused. Everyone around us shook their heads no. I just shook my head and took the syrup from David and then the cinnamon and covers my pancakes with them as I grabbed a small bowl sitting beside my plate and put some fruit on it. Bella did the same and I looked to David to see him starring apprehensively at my food. I cut a peace of the pancake of and held it up with my fork. "Ya wanna try it?" I asked and he leaned forward and took the bite. He smiled at the taste and finished chewing before speaking. "I think I like pancakes better like that." He then started pouring syrup on his food. I smiled at him as we continued eating. Xavier tried it and so did their parents. I smiled at this. "Mina," I looked over at Maggie when she called my name "What happened to your neck?" her question startled me and I flinched as I recalled my landlords face. Bella started glaring and David had stood up so I stopped the situation by saying "David sit down. Bella I taught you better then that stop glaring its rude." Bella looked at me and then casted her state downward. It took David a minute to listen but he did sit down I then looked over to Daniel and Maggie. "My landlord was a druggie and he demanded I pay the rent but I already had and he was mad at me for leaving he started to choke me. I've had worse and bruises go away." I said to them quietly and then I stood up "I'm going to the restroom I will be back in a moment." I said and then left. I went to the bathroom and washed my face and hands then went back into the dining room a few moments latter. I got back to see David glaring at everyone. I raised my voice but just a bit "David stop glaring they didn't know its not their fault." his eyes Snape's to meet mine and I myself gave him an evil look then went and sat back down. We ate the rest of breakfast in silence and I think the only one who didn't care. After everyone had finished I started cleaning up the plates and silverware. I put them in the sink and washed them by myself and then dried them. I tried putting them up but I winded up breaking one. The sound crashed through the air and I heard David shout my name. "Mina what happened?" his voice was frantic. "It's okay I just broke one of the plates." I said as he came in through the door. His face grew less tense then he carefully made his way over to the cupboard and got out a broom. He then swept up the mess around me. I stayed still as he did and his family watched. When he finished he came and wrapped his arms around me. I then started crying. "I'm sorry I should have called for help to put them up or just left them in the drying rack." I said. "Hey it's okay it was a plate. Are you okay though you didn't get hurt when it fell did you?" he asked to be sure "I'm fine." he nodded and put the rest of the plates up and then everyone went in to the living room. Me and David sat on the couch and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder so leaned into his side. "We should tell them." I whispered so only he would hear then I saw him nod an he opened his mouth about to speak. "Me and Mina have some great news." He spoke calmly and everyone's attention was grabbed "We are getting married, and going to have a baby." he said and I saw the corners of his lips turn up into a smile. Maggie was almost bouncing with joy and Daniel looked proud and happy so I guess they have been waiting for him to get married. I smiled at this. We all talked about marriages and babies and it was almost lunch before they had to leave. All in all I liked his parents and they seem to like me. After they left we all sat around for a while and me and David decided to go fix lunch.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2015 ⏰

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