Chapter 1

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Hiding to avoid being seen to take something edible from a shop should be an extreme sport.
What? It's not stealing. I don't steal.
I just take food, emphasis on take and food. And i actually pay when i have money.
Yeah yeah, i have never paid, yet. But i will soon, i just need to get myself together. And there are other bills to pay.

Oh man, arguing with myself again.

I run as i took bread and peanut butter laid on the shelf.
This should be enough for my brother and i.

Hey, am home. I bought bread and peanut butter.
Hey sis, thank you. Do i bring the milk?
Err, okay. I am going to take a bath. You have as much as you can and keep the rest for me, okay.
Alright, you stink anyway, he said laughing.
Wait, what? Really? Oh damn!
Hey! No cussing.
Right sorry.
You always say sorry every time.
Look at you, i take my sorry back.
He laughs as i walk off.

Stepping into the toilet, i sigh.
I am a 19 year old taking care of an 8 year old .
How come?
Our parents were involved in an accident last year that took their lives. I miss them everyday and it's hard living without them.
If only the driver of the car that hit them hadn't been drunk.
If only they stayed back.
Or we all went out and died together, i wouldn't be in this mess am in.

I dropped out of school. Got different jobs and odd ones so i could be able to pay my brother's school fees and other bills.
It hasn't been easy.
Not like my parents were billionaires or millionaires but they took care of us and provided most of our needs.
But then when they died, i found out they lived above their means just to give us what we wanted.
And then it made everyone say they spoilt us.


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