Chapter 5

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Getting to work to resume, i was given their brand Tshirt with "Rich Coffee" boldly written on it and an apron.
I wore it with my black jeans and white sneakers.
Perfect combo.

At least here i can start a new life and try to give Sam a better life.
I was taught how to make their coffee and the difference between theirs and others.
It took time tho. At first i was just serving while someone makes. But now i can make when the queue is too much for one person to handle.

Hey Ana, Sheila called, the waiter i ran into the other day.
Yes Sheila?
Could you please deliver 10 cups coffee to Anderson's Tech company for me please?
Uhh? Why can't you?
I'm too tired to go. Please?
Oh oh, no problem.
Oh thanks! I owe you!
I will keep that in mind.

I got to Anderson's. Second time am seeing the building since i got to the city. First time am going in.
Man! It's so big and tall. Got past security. Got to the reception.
Hey, I'm here to deliver this.
Yeah? So? You know where to take it to.
Sorry, i don't. I just started working with Rich Coffee.
Oh, take the elevator to the last floor. First door by your left. Make sure to knock and listen for a come in before you go in.
Got it. Thanks.

I got to the door. Wider than i had imagined. Must be a conference room or something. I knock. No response. Again, no response.
I can't stand here all day. I opened and walked in.

All eyes turned to me. I was scared but i am not going to show it. Cause they wear fancy suit and sit and make money doesn't give them the right to keep me waiting.

Did we say to come in, a man asked.  The boss apparently.
He's voice is divine. And eyes? Oh fuck me.

Ana, focus i say to myself.
No sir, but i have a job to return to, i say.
He scoffs, a coffee job?
Trying not to take it personal, i ignore it.

Here's the coffee sir.


I let out a breath as i walked out.
But darn. He's fine momma.
And rude too.


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