Chapter 6

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Why didn't you wake me when you got ready for school? I over slept. I say still in bed.
Sorry sis, you looked so peaceful sleeping. I didn't want to. I couldn't.

Oh Sam. I yawn standing up.
You know i work yh?
Yeah... But... You are right. I'm sorry.
It's fine. It's not your fault. Ready for school?
Yeah. Bye.
Stay safe kiddo.
Urrrrgh! Stop calling me kiddo.
Alright kiddo.
You'll never stop right?
Never everrrrrrrrr.
Smiling and shaking his head he leaves the house.

I still have a little bit of time to prepare for work. If i act like flash.

Breezed in like mad air. Hey Ana, Sheila called. Someone is here to see you.
Mr Anderson.
Wait what? Why?
Dunno. But he looks pretty mad.

Oh my god. I am going to lose my job. What if he tells my boss what happened yesterday?
I try to arrange myself as best as i could. I couldn't brush my hair today cause it requires a lot of patience to do that.
Where is he ?
Oh now you decided to return back to earth?
Rolling my eyes at her. Come on.
Chill. He is the store room.
Store room?
What is he doing there?
Dunno. Hurry up and go before he leaves or tells the boss.
Oh right.

Good morning. You wanted to see me.
Since he was backing me, he turned. Smiled. And remained silent.
What kind of psycho is this?
Excuse me sir, you wanted to see me. I say to remind him of my presence.

He turned again. Looked me over. Smiled and walked out.

Man that was creepy asf.
Who does he think he is to waste my time?
I run after him to give him a piece of my mind but he's nowhere around.

Ana, go change my boss called.
Alright sir.

Throughout the day i kept thinking about why he came. But it was nice seeing him again.

Serving a couple their order i think to myself that we need to make snacks so people can have it with their coffee. I would have to talk to the boss about it. I'm good with making doughnuts.
I had to cover up for Sheila as she went to deliver coffee to Anderson Tech Company. Thank God she didn't ask me to.

Thinking about the devil, she walks in.
Hey babe, you good? I ask .
Yeah am good.
Sheila, Ana could you girls come in here please.
We looked at ourselves. Alright.

There would be changes, one of you have to deliver coffee every morning at Mr Anderson' house.
And he choose you Ana.
What? Why me?
I don't know his reason but please i need you to accept. I'd double your pay.
Alright sir. I need the money you know.
Sheila can keep delivering to the Company.

Sir, i wanted to suggest we make Snacks so the customers chew something while they drink their coffee here.
Yes, i think i agree with Ana, Sheila said.
I have thought of it before, but we don't have the luxury to order snacks right now.
Oh, i can make. Am good with doughnuts sir.
Really? Let's ask the regulars if they would buy and we start next week.
Alright sir.

Remember coffee tomorrow at 6, Mr Anderson's house.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2019 ⏰

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