Chapter 3

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After withdrawing everything in her account. We left for another state where that wouldn't find us and expect us to be.
And there's no form of communication as i don't own a phone. Anyways good riddance to them. I don't feel sorry or bad about what i did.

I rented a self contain. It's enough for Sam and i.
It has a toilet , kitchen and a room and parlor. It's not what we are used to but it's better living off the streets.
That night was the first time we were sleeping peacefully in a long time.

Next day i took Sam to a school, got him registered and paid for all the bills.
It's a walkable distance from home so i need not to worry about transportation for him.

I still had enough change, so i got us two beds, some food stuffs, a student gas cooker and gas.
Kitchen utensils and buckets and toiletries.
Got myself a phone and another phone for the house so Sam can reach out to me when he wants to. And a table and two chairs so Sam could be able to sit and study and one for me when he needs help.

I got home met the door ajar and panicked.
I locked this door and there's no one home.
I went in and heard someone singing and bathing in the bathroom. Laughing at myself for being so paranoid.
Sam was back from school, he forgot or didn't shut the door properly. I need to teach him how to.

I went to the kitchen to unpack everything i bought and prepare something for him.
He must be starving and oh well i am too.

After eating , Sam helped in clearing the dishes while i arranged the house. Fix the beds and the table and chair.

Sam was so excited when he saw his bed. No more sleeping on the floor and getting scared of catching a cold.
I thought him how to shut the door properly and to use the house phone to get to me in case of emergency or anything.

So how was school today?
Err, good i guess.
You guess?
Yeah, i mean, everything kind of feels new.
Hmm, you are in a new place, in a new environment, everything is new.
Yeah sis, I'm sleepy.
Alright good night.

I stayed up, staring outside the window. Thinking about tomorrow. I need to get a job to keep up. I don't know how long the little money left would last .
Two things to be done tomorrow.
Open an account for myself and a savings account for Sam and get a job.

I kept looking out, hoping for a better tomorrow.


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