Chapter 2

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After our parents death we had gone to stay with an Aunt from moms side as we don't know any of Dad's relation.
Staying with our Aunt was hell on earth. She had twin boys. They were 10.
Always bullying Sam, my brother and being disrespectful to me cause we were in their house.

When my parents were alive, she was lovely and nice. That's why i had accepted going to stay with her was the best when she said she wouldn't mind being responsible for us and our needs.
She won the hearts of many at the funeral. All that tears and nice words were for a show!

We got to her house and she just changed from that angel to the devil in like 5.
Immediately we got to her house she asked me to do their laundry. Hers, her husband's and son's! And Sam should wash the dishes.
Surprised but i had to. Not like i had a choice except i want to stay on the streets and i am not going to put Sam through that stress.

So technically we turned to their home service. They never bothered to put us in a school. I wasn't bothered about myself, so i was expecting them to at least send Sam to a school. I know we aren't entitled to anything.

So i went to talk to one night about them sending Sam to school.
And my Aunt said, Do we look like your parents?
If you really want Sam to go to school, use what you have to get what you want.
I left in disgust and annoyance.

After 3 months of living with them, Frank, my Aunts husband started looking at me in a funny and creepy way.
At first it wasn't something i was bothered with until i understood what he wanted when he came earlier than usual. He sent Sam on an errand. So it was just i and him in the house.

I was scrubbing the toilet floor when he held my waist. I was beyond shocked that nothing was able to come out of my lips.
He proceeded to fondle my breasts and i whipped his hands.
Oh come on, like you don't want me to touch you.
No, please, i don't want you to.
Bring your...

Annaaaaaaaaa! Come and take my things inside my Aunt shouted from downstairs. I have never been more grateful for her existence ever since my Parents died until today.

I will get you soon, Frank said has he left me.

That night i cried and cried. Prayed hoping that God would do something. But no, nothing magical happened.

Next day, waking up to an empty house and list of what to do and get.
She had dropped her ATM card so i could go to the market. But i thought of something else.

I ran upstairs, woke Sam up. Told him to have his bath and took a few of our things and off we went never to return again.


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