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For the school festival, my class decided on a cross-dressing café.
At first it had just been ‘a café’ but after seeing how popular Iwamuro-kun as Cinderella was, we thought, ‘Hey, why not make the other boys put on a dress too?’
So then we thought, ‘Why not go all the way and have the girls cross-dress too?’ which is how we ended up with the boys as maids, and the girls as butlers.

But it was ‘maids’ of all things. Maids.
Somebody said that if we were going with maids we might as well go deeper and suggested goth loli maids instead. We immediately agreed.
Iwamuro-kun’s eyes were sparkling. I decided to discuss the specifics with him later.

As for me, at first the plan was just to help out preparing the food in the kitchen, but Satomi-kun said,

“Kisshouin-san absolutely needs to be out front!”

Thanks to that I ended up with a butler outfit as well. I didn’t know why he wanted me though.
My face was pretty girly and I had sausage curls too, so I doubted I could have become some hot guy butler.
Which was confirmed when I actually tried on the costume. I didn’t look very boyish. Maybe I’ll tie up my hair?
Still, it probably wouldn’t matter. I doubt anyone would really notice me once I was standing in a terrifying horde of cross-dressing boys.
While I was thinking about it, Satomi-kun handed me a headband with animal ears on it.

“What might this be?”

“Sheep ears. A sheep(Hitsuji) butler(Shitsuji). Wouldn’t it be cute? I really want you to wear it. Oh, and don’t tie up your hair like that. It’s your trademark. Don’t you think your curls look a bit like a sheep’s? Here,” he said, putting them on my head.

An animal again…? Still…

“Just the ears?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“After the costume race, Kaburagi-sama asked me why I was not wearing a mouse nose.”

“Eh… I don’t think even I could ask you to wear one of those things.”

“It does not sound very comfortable at all.”

“…Yeah, let’s just go with the ears this time.”

“You seem terribly set on these ears.”


And so with a brilliant smile on his face, Satomi-kun sealed my fate as a sheep.

His reasoning was, “Because you’re a sheep in wolf’s clothing, Kisshouin-san. It’s perfect for you!”

Satomi-kun, do I really look that scary?

Now with wearing ears along with the butler uniform, I had hard look at myself in the mirror.
I hoped this wasn’t too bad. What if I was heading into some crazy direction like Iwamuro-kun. I was supposed to be a Rococo Queen but somehow it felt like I was becoming a weird joke character…

Iwamuro-kun and I discussed the maid outfit. Were they going to wear bonnets or a headpiece? Were they going to wear a dress, or a blouse with a corseted high-waisted skirt? Were they going to use side hoops to make the skirts puffy? The point is we discussed a whole bunch of stuff.
Iwamuro-kun was insanely passionate about it and wouldn’t accept anything less than the ideal.
In the end we settled on a bonnets with sausage curl wigs. Somehow the wig looked familiar… Was that supposed to be my hair? Well, not that my hair was as curled as that, though.

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