Chapter 18: the benefactor

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Hey we goes another chapter so I'm kinda of stuck as to what Stiles could keep from Aylee concerning the list for her to find out like in episode 7 since she already knows about Peter so if you any ideas let me know

Also let me via review/comment/pm about what you think of the chapter

Chapter 18: benefactor

Stiles and Aylee were practicing different lacrosse techniques as well as him teaching her all about lacrosse, although occasionally they would mess around which usually meant him tickling her and Aylee teasing him with tiny teasing kisses. That was until Stiles got a call from a very distressed Scott who told him briefly that him and Sean had a fight on the roof which ended with the muted man throwing his tomahawk into his back, killing him. Although Scott had mention that Liam seen some of it and that he was with him, leaving out the fact that he had bite him or that he was with in him against his will. Stiles and Aylee ran to the McCall house to see scott nervously waiting by the door, due to their previous physical activities Aylee was now wearing her sports bra rather than her crop tshirt.

" I don't know what to tell you Derek, Scott hasn't mentioned another person being up on roof with him and sean" Aylee said as they entered the McCall house, Derek had phoned her to find out what she knew

" I am telling you, there was blood on the edge and I could smell his fear Aylee so there's no point in lying to me" Derek told her through the phone, he was unaware that he was on speaker phone with Scott and Stiles

" all I was told was that Sean went after Melissa so Scott followed him to the roof where they fought and then the muted man with no mouth killed him, maybe it was Sean's blood and fear that you felt. I'm sorry Derek but I got to go and make sure Melissa is okay" she said wanting to hear everything that happened from Scott

" yeah okay, but don't think this over" he said before hanging up the phone one her

" thank you for not telling Derek, you didn't tell your dad about Liam did you?" Scott asked panicked he didn't want it getting out that he had bitten someone

" you barely told me about liam, what did you do with him anyway?" He said trying to point out that he couldn't tell him what he didn't know

" he's upstairs" Scott said vaguely, he didn't quite know how to explain what he had done with Liam after they left the roof

" doing what?" Aylee asked trying to think of a reason why he would just leave him upstairs, of it were her she would climb out of the window

" he's umm laying down" Scott said before running up the stairs, he felt that best described what Liam was doing

Aylee and Stiles both looked around Scott's room for any sign of Liam but found none, they began to wonder what was going on when Scott kept on walking towards the bathroom where he pulled back the shower curtain to reveal Liam duck taped and crammed into the bathtub. They both just gave him a look of ' what the hell!', before heading back into his room where Stiles and Scott sat on the bed and Aylee sat on the chair next to them.

"So you bit him?" Aylee asked just wanting to clarify what was actually happening here, she could feel both Scott's and Liam's fear

"Yeah" Scott said still stunned that he had actually gave someone the bite without even thinking about it

" then kidnapped him" Stiles said continuing to sum up what had happened while he and Aylee were having fun

" yeah" he said again, knowing that it wasn't his best plan in the world

" and then you brought him here" Stiles said remembering from experience that it was always best to kidnap people and take them somewhere else like a van or an empty warehouse

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