Chapter 19:I.E.D

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Hi guys so it's been a while since I updated and I think it's partly because I didn't really like this episode so I kinda struggled to write but hey ho here you go, I hope you like it

Chapter 19- I.E.D

After the full moon had past everything had settled, kinda, Scott dealt with Liam who was still freaked out with the realisation that Scott and his friends weren't actually crazy but were telling the truth, when Scott was finished explaining his rules he let Liam go so that he could catch up with his friends. Meanwhile Stiles was having a difficult time stopping Aylee from acting out on the feelings she was experience for people around her, for someone so small she was so strong and although Stiles would never admit the fact she could easily overpower him. Eventually he was able to move to the other side of the room where she couldn't reach him since she was chained to the wall. When the moon passed Aylee felt herself drained, Stiles realised that it was over and unchained her then propped her against the wall before packing everything away and calling Scott. Stiles decided to carry Aylee and headed towards the boathouse after throwing the bag of chains into his car, Scott and Chris were both waiting for them .

" is she okay? What happened to her?" Chris asked feeling out of loop slightly, he knew that a lot would have happened in his absence while he was in France with Isaac and Allison

" yeah she's fine just drained, it's another one of the fun side effects from her powers. Her powers take a toll on her physically but once she's slept and drinks her special herbal concoction from Deaton she'll be good as new" he told him as he lay her down on the floor then grabbed one of the folded blankets lying around and put it under her head, he took of his jumper to cover her while she slept

" how did she copy with the full moon? I mean it must have affected her if she's completely drained and unconscious" Scott said to Stiles who refused to leave her side, he had hoped that she would be the lucky one in the group

" it was bad, at first she was experiencing everything at once and she was crying in the corner begging for it to stop. Then she began to focus on the strongest emotions from the party like lust, anger, hate and began acting on them " he told him remembering how much he wanted to make it all better for her and take away her pain

" I suppose next full we can take her somewhere she will be completely isolated from everyone or we can drug her so that she misses it, we'll talk to Deaton about our options" Scott told him knowing that they both wanted to protect her from any pain

"wait! Something happened to her during the full moon? Why now, I mean it didn't before" Chris asked remembering pieces of information from what his dad taught when he was young

" it's because of the holly and verbena that was in her system, it acted as a trigger. The moon makes her powers more powerful and sensitive than normal rather than changes her" Scott told him knowing that he was going to have to explain everything that had missed while he was away

" I see daddy hunter is back, did you miss us too much or was France just boring without us?" Stiles said talking to Chris as he gave him a welcoming smile while his statement earned a chuckle from the older man

" yeah well all those accents and garlic necklacesplus there was no supernatural enemy around every corner like in beacon hills" he told him while Stiles began to fix Aylee's hair by gently taking it out of its braids and combing it out

" what brings you back?" Stiles asked knowing he was missing information about the events during Liam's turning

" I got Scott's message about giving someone the bite so I got on the first flight to America and came to find him as soon as i can" Chris said filling him slightly while Scott gave him a told you so look as Stiles's phone began to ring

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