Chapter 1- After Cleaved

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"Hey." Marco said, walking to Star.

"Hi." Star said, finally being reunited with him.

Marco hugged Star, "I thought I would never see you again," He started crying, "It was the thought of losing you forever, that made me sad...because I have never met anyone from any other dimension just like you, Star. That's why I had to go see you, no matter what it takes, even if it meant me leaving Earth."

"Awww, Marco~♡!" Star hugged Marco back, and her eyes got watery with tears. "I couldn't stand knowing that I wouldn't ever see you again either, that's why I went through the Earth Well to see if you were still there and why I was willing to leave Mewni for you."

Marco patted Star's blonde hair with his hand and he wiped her tears away with his fingers. "At least..."

Star grinned, looking up at him. "We're together again and nothing will ever separate us." He kissed her cheek.

"Because..." Star said.

"With or without magic, we're meant to be together." Star and Marco both said at the same time, looking at each other happily.

Marco kissed Star on her lips and she kissed him back. "I love you, Star."

"I..." Star smiled. "love you too, Marco."


"What is that? An earthquake?" Mr. Diaz said looking around. "A collision?"

"No." Angie Diaz said, looking up at the sky. "I don't think that's an earthquake, sweetie." She pointed up at the sky. "Look, the sky is all purple and has another moon on it?"

"Hmm..yeah it does."

"Clear!" A medic said.

Bshhh...Beep...Beep.."Oh.. Thank goodness, she's alright." A doctor said.

Angie gasped and ran over to Janna seeing that she woke up, "Janna!" She said. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I am." Janna said, still laying down.

"Do you know where our son Marco went?" Rafael said, going over to her.

"Oh yeah." Janna said in a low tone. "I saw there was some sort of portal that people thought was a gas leak, but it wasn't...because it was a portal of course. And I let my pulse drop for 60 seconds so that I can let Marco go off." She said, "I let him go because I had a feeling that he wanted to go look for Star, to see if she was okay."

"Oh, alright. Thanks, Janna...for telling us about our son's whereabouts." Angie said. "And I hope you get well."

"You're welcome, Mrs. Diaz." Janna said. "Oh... and who is that baby?" She pointed to Maríposa, who giggled. "She's cute. Is she Marco's baby?"

Angie and Rafael both looked at each other oddly and laughed, "No, it's not."

"Well.. she is part of Marco's DNA...but that's only because she is his little sister. This is Maríposa."

"Awww..." Janna said. "I didn't know he had a little sister. That's so adorable. Is there a chance that I can babysit her, anytime soon?" She asked.

"Yeah, sure, anytime Janna, when you're done of recovering." Angie said.

"Anyways, we have to go look for our hijo, our son... Marco." Rafael said. "Bye, Janna." He and Angie walked away, waving bye to Janna.

"Bye." Janna said. She continued to laid down and looked up at the purple sky, as her parents were standing in the background doing paperwork for her medical bills. "Wooah...I feel like I missed out on something, even though I don't know what happened."

She closed her eyes, as she was tired. "Oh well..I guess I'll find out later." The view faded out as it showed the purple-twilight magical sky and the collision of Mewni and Earth together into one. "Right now, I'm tired and low on energy so I'm going to take a nap."


"What happened!?" Eclipsa said.

"I don't know...but I'm going to go look for Star, to see if she's alright." Moon said.

"Wait, let me come with you, my dear. I'm worried about her too." Eclipsa said, following Moon.

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