Chapter 5- For You Janna

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Angie put down Maríposa on the grass to crawl down while Eclipsa put down Meteora too. Maríposa and Meteora both crawled towards the front of each other. They both giggled and smiled at each other. "Awww~♡!"

The two mothers both looked at their babies getting along and looked up at each other. "They get along just well." Eclipsa said.

"Meteora and Maríposa," Angie said. "It's like they're sisters or best friends, who already know each other so well."

"They are a lovely pair," Globgor said.

"It wouldn't hurt if you made sure that they grew up together, right?"  Moon suggested.

"Yeah, Mom." Marco said. "I've babysat them both before, and I can tell you that Maríposa really enjoys Meteora's company. And so does Meteora with Maríposa."

"Well if you say so, Marco." Angie said.

"Let's do this again, some other time, Angie." Eclipsa said. "with Maríposa and Meteora."

Angie nodded. "Sure, that sounds great."


"Hey, Janna," Tom said. "Do you want to go where there is peace and quiet?" He put his hand out to the woods on his right side, which lead to Mewni.

"Yeah, sure. It wouldn't hurt to go on another adventure. I would like to see more of Mewni...since it collided with Earth out of nowhere." Janna said. "I honestly don't what happened and didn't know where Star was at.. and?--"

"It's okay. No need to stress out about it. I understand that you were confused." Tom said, walking alongside Janna. "At least you're okay, and you don't have to worry about all that anymore."

"Hmmm..." Janna said. "True." She began throwing pebbles into a river, which made them skip along up and down and bounce down into the water. "Have you ever felt like you were different from everyone else? a way, when you feel like no one understands you, but yourself?"

"Yes." Tom said. "I've felt that way too. It's one of the reasons why I broke up with Star, actually." He said. "Other than me feeling like it wasn't going to work out with me and her...and I had a sense that she still had feelings for Marco, but that she hadn't realized it yet."

"I see. I understand your reasoning for doing that." Janna said, she stood next to Tom. "But in a way it was good, because it gave Star a chance to be with Marco."

"Yeah." Tom had a grin on his face. "It brought them together."


"Sometimes, I feel like no one understands me and that I get judged by who I am...since I seem so different from everyone else that sets me apart from them." Janna looked down and frowned. "It was difficult for me to try to fit in with others, when I wasn't even happy with myself because people were so quick to judge me. And I had trouble making friends. I was very lonely," she said.

Tom looked at Janna. "But that was when Star came along onto Earth. Then when I also started hanging out with Marco, and with you, Tom. If Star hadn't appeared out of the blue, I wouldn't of made such wonderful friends with her, you, and Marco. And now, I don't feel as lonely as I once did in the past."

Tom hugged Janna. "I completely understand you. Star's presence made a great impact on your life and so did, me and Marco." He said. "I know how it feels like when you feel like you're not wanted by anyone, since you feel like no one likes you being different." He stopped hugging her.

He took Janna's hand. "But...You are unusually weird and different in a good way. Sometimes, people like others that stand out like that to them."

"Don't think that no one cares about you. You matter to me. I care about you." Janna blushed, feeling butterflies in her stomach, with feeling Tom hold her hand and with listening to his sweet words. "I like you just the way you are, Janna. It's what makes you unique. And I want you, only you."

Janna's eyes widened, she was speechless on what he was saying to her. "I enjoy your company. I like hanging out with you. I think you're a really cool girl." said Tom. "Janna." He let go of her hand. "Can you close your eyes, please?"

Janna stopped blushing and was nervous. "Uh...Why?"

"You'll see. For now, close your eyes."

"Oh, alright, Tom." Janna closed her eyes.

Tom grabbed Janna and carried her in his arms, as he flew up into the sky. He flew towards the top of a mountain cliff and set her down. "Okay, you can open your eyes now."

Janna opened up her eyes and saw that he was holding a daisy. "Janna, I would really love to get to the chance to get to know you know every single part of you, whether it's normal or unusual. I want to continue to go out on crazy adventures with you to the unknown and beyond." Tom blushed. "So.. will you please go out with me?"

"I--" Janna was shocked. She smiled. "Yes, I would like that." She took the daisy from Tom.

Her eyes got watery with happy tears. "I--No one has ever said that about me before or has ever done that for me." She looked happy, she hugged Tom, who hugged her back. "Thank you, Tom."

"You're welcome," Tom started holding hands with her.

Janna gasped and looked around in amazement. "It looks so beautiful here." She saw that the ground was covered in a huge field of daisies. She could also see the amazing view from down below the cliff that showed the trees at the woods, some mountains, and the blue river. "Thank you for taking me here. It's a great view and a great start...for a first date."

Tom smiled as he heard Janna say those words. "Anything for you, Jan-Jan." He put his arm around her, as he watched the beautiful view with her.

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