Chapter 4- A Celebration

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"HA!" Kelly kicked a tree. "HI-YA!" She shouted, and a apple fell off from the tree and hit her head. "Oops."

She bent over to pick up the apple that rolled away onto the ground. Right when she crouched to pick up the apple, her phone fell out of her pocket and turned on to the Ponyhead Show. "Wait.. what!?" She saw the video of Star and Marco together.

Her eyes teared up with small tears. "Awww..." She said and grinned, "Even if Marco and I aren't break-up buddies anymore. I'm glad that he is finally with Star, because they both do deserve each other."


"What's this, Ludo?" Ludo's older brother said, looking at a device.

"Hmm..." Ludo said. "I dunno but..." He saw the Ponyhead channel. "Hey, look it's Star Butterfly!" He pointed to Star on the TV screen. "And she's finally with that Earth-boy Marco!" He clapped his hands. "That must explain why Star was in such a hurry earlier, she must of been wanting to go see him." He said. "I'm happy for them."


"So, really are together with Star?" Angie said. "And is that why you left in a hurry, when that portal appeared too?"

"Yes, Mom." Marco let go of Star's hand and walked up to his family. "I am with Star. And I'm sorry that I left, it's just that when the portal appeared...I knew that I wouldn't see her again and I--"

"Awww!" Angie smiled very big and hugged Marco. "I understand your explanation, Marco. It's okay, I'm not mad."

"Ah..." Rafael said. He began getting emotional as his eyes were getting watery. "My son is in love with a beautiful estrella like Star." He went over and hugged Star. "Thank you, Star!"

"Oof--" Star giggled and hugged Marco's dad back. "You're welcome, Mr. Diaz."

"Mom, Dad," Star walked up to her parents. "I'm sorry for leaving without an explanation, but I also did the same thing too...because I wanted to see Marco and the portal was the only way, and I--"

Moon and River hugged Star. "It's okay, my love," Moon said to Star. "You do so much for the people you love, and there's nothing wrong with that."

"And, we support you, Star," River said.

"This calls for a celebration." Angie said.

"I agree," Moon said. "Also, along with Mewni and Earth coming together, with Mewnans and humans for the first time in years."


The Mewnans were on the right side and the humans were on the left side, while Marco and Star were at the center sitting together on top of a picnic blanket, as the picnic basket was beside them.

"Hey, who wants another hamburger?" Rafael said as he was wearing a chef hat, as he was grilling burgers on the open grill.

"Oh, me!" Star raised her hand up. "I would like one, Mr. Diaz!"

"That goes double for me, Mr. Diaz." Janna said, raising her hand up.

"Sure, Star! And Janna," Rafael flipped the burger with his spatula. "Coming right up!"

"Hey, Star...are you finding everything okay?" Marco asked as he was holding Maríposa.

"Yeah, sure. It's all good." Star said.

"Hey, Marco," Tom walked up to Marco, who was sitting beside Star on top of the picnic blanket. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure, Tom." Marco got up. "Hold up, I'll be right back."

"Alright." Tom said.

"Hey, Mom," Marco said, going over to his mom who was sitting beside Eclipsa and Meteora. "What's your daughter's name? She's adorable."

"It's Meteora." Eclipsa said to Angie Diaz. "And thank you." She grinned. "She takes part from me and from my husband, Globgor." She smiled, looking to Globgor, who was next to her.

"Yes, Marco?" Angie turned to look at Marco. "Do you mind if you watch Maríposa for a bit?"

"Of course, Marco." Angie put her hands out as Marco gave her Maríposa. "It's my time to watch her again anyways."

"This is Maríposa, my sweet little daughter." Angie said.

"Thanks." Marco said, walking away to go back to Tom.

"AWW..." Eclipsa's eyes sparkled in admiration as she had her gloved hands on both of her cheeks. "She's SO cute." She looked down to Maríposa. "May I hold her?"

"Sure, Eclipsa." Angie gave Maríposa to Eclipsa.

Maríposa started smiling as she was in Eclipsa's arms. "Wow, Marìposa, likes you."


"So..." Tom led Marco to the cornfield on the Mewnan side to talk to him alone. "What did you want to talk to me about?"

"I just wanted to tell you that I am cool with you being with Star. I support you and her being together in a relationship." Tom said, putting his hand on top of Marco's shoulder to reassure him that he is telling the truth.

"Wow. Really?" Marco said. "That's all?"

"Yes, that's all."

"Geez...Thanks, Tom." Marco said.


"So, how did it go with Tom?" Star said, seeing Marco come back.

"It was great. He just wanted to tell me that he supports me and you being together."

"Aww... That's sweet of him." Star said.

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