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I take a deep breath, the third book from the Hunger Games trilgoy tucked under my arm. I'm a bit jealous that Jacob didn't come to sit with me today. Talking is slowly becoming natural, and I may have hated it then, but now I want to do it more often.

Just with Jacob and Nate, though. Mom and Dad and I are all on agreeable terms, but Nathan ran away before he had chances. I was equally as shocked as Mom and Dad, but I kept it hidden.

I didn't expect him to actually leave, so it's partially my fault for hiding the secret from Mom and Dad. I feel a pang of guiltiness when they read the note he left in his room. It was completely clean, nothing out of place. The note was at least a page long, scribbled in his unreadable handwriting. I stood behind them quietly as Mom sobbed and Dad frowned as he read, showing no emotion. I knew he was trying to be strong for Mom, but that didn't work as there was no dinner because she'd cried so hard and so long.

I kept my head down the whole time, but then walked away, overwhelmed, and went to read. It's the only thing that keeps me alive and same becuase the fictional character make me feel like I'm living their life, something I can only hope to do. I don't remember anything of book I read, becuase my head was too clouded with possible thoughts of Nathan's whereabouts and his well being.

Now, in a despreate help to save my rascal brother, I must talk to Jacob. I clear my throat and walk across the cafeteria for the first time, my legs moving in heavy steps until I finally reached the table containing a certain curly headed boy.

The people at his table, a few cheerleaders, jocks, and regular friends including Stephanie, immediately stop talking and the attetion turns to me. Jacob turns around slowly when realizes they've stopped talking and his eyes dart up to meet mine. He smiles a little, but it looked like an annoyed smile rather than a genuine one. I can't help but to feel otherwise, though I know he's always happy to see me.

I think.

"Hey Nad-"

"Who is she?" I look across the table to meet the curious stare of Xena. Her manicured eyebrows are raised, but she doesn't make any eye rolls or loud pops her gum like I expected.

Geez Nadia, steteotypes? I scold myself. Not everyone is a book character.

I mentally kick myself, one for being so expectant of the students at Peak Hill High to be so much like the character in my boos, you know, jerky jock, malicious blonde-headed cheerleader, etc., and second for being so nervous.

"This," he raises a hand toward me like he's introducing a crowd, "is Nadia Crestfield." He says, smiling and so does everyone but J. Chresato. He grins at me and winks and I look down, blushing in embarrassment. "So that's her name." I hear him mutter despite the chatter roaming in the cafeteria.

"Hey Nadia!" Cecelia, the head cheerleader, beams and waves. I'm partially shocked becuase she's not evil or appearing to be viciously plotting my worst school year ever (who knows? It happens in books.) and partially exicted that someone other than Jacob, Nate, or my parents talked to me. The head cheerleader to be exact.

"Hey," I mutter. I feel Jacob's mop of curls wisp at my face as I lean down to whisper in his ear. "Please, I need to talk to you." I whisper. I stand straight up again as he stares at me with a sly grin."If y-you don't mind." i sutter and my face catches wildfire again, burning flames as I stand awkwardly with a book and apple in hand.

He nods silently and lets the table soon. "Be back soon, Jakey!" Xena yells right as we exit the cafeteria. I don't think he hears her as he casually sits on the ledge in the hallway. I stand almost a foot away.

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