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You sighed, putting down the last of your belongings. It wasn't much, but it was all of the things that you found important or useful.

It didn't take long for you to get settled in. In no time, books were neatly placed on the small few shelves, your clothes along with your work ones were hung or folded in the closet, and the simple bed was equipped with fresh sheets, a pillow, and a blanket.

Again- it wasn't much, but enough. It was only your 'bedroom' after all.

You set up your work table, plugging in your laptop and arranged the smaller stacks of papers.

As you put the last pencil in its place, you sighed as you did before, spinning around in your chair to get a view of everything.

This is only the beginning...


You glanced down at the map in your hand and back up at the hallway you were walking down, taking the first turn that leads into a kitchen- simple like everything else so far. Must be spending all of the money on all of the more important stuff, like lab equipment.

It didn't bother you, being used to only the necessary.

Moving along the hall, you followed the route on the map, along with the directions on the wall you had passed. You walked past many different experimenting rooms, filled with expensive equipment, as you suspected before.

Looking down at the map, you read the label in the middle of the facility.

'Subject D4RK holding chamber'

Subject D4RK... It was the first time you heard what it was called.

You finally arrived, standing in front of the heavy metal door that separated you from the room on the other side. Right, you forgot... You will receive the keycard to the Subject's holding chamber... 'soon'. Whatever that meant. With a sad sigh, you made your way back, quickly being able to memorize the layout of the facility.


It was now the third day, and the once spacious layout of the underground corridors and rooms had now become much smaller as you got to know it better, being able to get from point A to point B with ease.

Beeping on your laptop brought your attention back to reality as you pushed yourself from the surprisingly decently comfortable bed, dragging yourself to the desk where your laptop was placed. With a click of your mouse, you opened the window and read through the message, excitement starting to become visible on your face.


You sprung from the chair, instantly on the other side of the small room, waiting in front of the transporter. Only in seconds, the machine lit up, the light starting to materialize into a distinct shape- a keycard.

The light faded and the keycard fell from its previous floating position onto the flat of the machine. Swiftly, you reached for it and examined it. It was nothing special, a white surface with a simple black line that indicated which side to swipe it on.

Should you go now? Right now? You did wait for this...for a long time. Another beep made you return to the laptop. There was a new program on your desktop and with a double click, it started running.

It was a live feed from the security cameras in the subject's chambers- Camera 1, camera 2, and camera 3.

The first one was recording the familiar hall from the front of the metal entrance door, the second one was recording the room inside, and the third was placed right into the holding cell. You could see a figure laying on a prison-like looking bed. The feed wasn't too clear, the screen colored green since the room was covered in darkness, the night vision mode activated.

Excitement bubbled in your stomach, along with curiosity. It looked just like a normal man...

New instructions appeared on the screen.

'Even if subject D4RK may look, sound and act like a normal human being, it is everything but it. Do not be fooled. It is known for its manipulative nature, that has been observed to be partially friendly but uneasy, which contrasts with its hostile one, which is often present right after it snaps. The person it looks like is like a human suit it uses. He has been identified as Mark Edward Fischbach. It seems that it is able of possessing humans, though it has never been seen leaving Mark's body. Though its origins are unknown, the leading theory is that they may be connected in some way. Mark refuses to say anything about the subject.

You may think you are talking to Mark, but we can never tell if it is really him, or the demon like monster possessing him. The cell should not be opened under any circumstances, as you should never enter it yourself.

Other abilities it has been observed to possess are creating illusions or hallucinations, its form can glitch, consisting of a blue and red duplicate that seem to lag behind in a delay of the movements, or are layered on top as a slightly bigger or off place clone. The glitching has been observed to appear when angered, along with its eyes turning into a dark black-void like holes at times.

Its full capabilities are unknown, so stay alert at all times. Report any and all changes and new discoveries.

The best of luck.'

All of the new information made your mind buzz with new questions and thoughts. You closed the window and watched the motionless figure on the bed. You quickly went over all of the given information and made a short note of it all into your notebook, closing it slowly and taking a breath.

You glanced down at the keycard and back to the screen. Who were you kidding? You thought and grabbed the small but important object, holding it tight. In only a minute you were standing in front of the metal door, the big text on it reading-

'Subject D4RK'

'Proceed with caution.'

With a deep breath and swipe of the keycard, your decision was set as the bright lights turned on in the room when the large door slid open. It was dead quiet, the only sound being your footsteps as you walked over the polished floor and the distant sound of the ventilation.

Welcome to the Subject D4RK's chamber.

Subject D4RKWhere stories live. Discover now