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You awoke with a start, your body covered in sweat. Before you could make sense of your surroundings a scream interrupted your thoughts, making you spring into action.

Your hand swiftly grabbed the keycard from your nightstand, ready for use. Your legs carried you down the halls like you were running from something, but in reality, you were running toward something.


You had quickly swiped the card and 'burst' in the room, your whole body tense and alert.

The lights turned on, hurting your eyes but after a few flickers, they shut right back off. Quickly reaching in your pocket and pulling out your glass tablet, you shined the white light inside the cell through the glass, desperate to see what was happening.

"Mar-!" You stopped mid-sentence, mind racing. There was Mark, lying helplessly on his bed as he clawed at the sheets and fisted them desperately. He was curled up, shaking in his sleep.

That wasn't even the most concerning thing.

He was surrounded- covered in a fog of darkness. His body wasn't moving, but it was almost like it was glitching, just like others described it in the message you received.

You had no idea what you were supposed to do in this kind of situation, and frankly, at the moment you weren't fully present, your mind clouded by adrenaline.

"Mark! Wake up!"

You shouted and banged your fist on the glass, desperately trying to wake him.

You continued to bang on the durable surface, your breath hitching as the light from your tablet started to flicker off. You could swear that between flashes you could see Mark's eyes shoot open- they were pitch black.

Your hand stopped as the light finally died out and there was no other sound left, not even Mark's screams.

Your breathing was heavy and fast like you had just run a marathon.


Voice barely a whisper, a million thoughts ran through your head, at the same time none at all.

Without warning the lights in the room turned on, the sudden light accompanied by a bang on the glass from the other side, revealing Mark's lifeless-looking body as his fist remained against the glass.

His skin was a pale grey, contrasted by his void-black eyes that stared right through you into your soul.

You couldn't even flinch from fear, your body stuck in its place as your eyes seemed to be glued to Mark's- no...his endless ones.

You wanted to move, to look away, but your body wouldn't budge. It felt like if you were to look away something very bad would happen.

You felt yourself grow colder, almost like you were freezing, but still, there was sweat running down every inch of your body.

It was like you were in a choke hold and every wrong move would result in him snapping your neck.

It seemed like time didn't exist at all, and there was no way of telling for how long it had been going on for. The deafening ringing in your ears made you want to scratch yourself out of your own skin.

And then it stopped, just as suddenly as it had begun.

His skin had started turning back from its previous grey and the ringing had died down along with the black void that disappeared from his eyes. His face had paled significantly, and only moments after his eyes rolled back into his head as he collapsed on the floor.

You cursed in your head, still trying to make sense of everything but before you even realized what you were doing you found yourself in the cell with him, kneeling next to his body as you did everything you could to try to bring him back to consciousness.

Minutes passed and you were terrified out of your mind that you were gonna lose him. His breathing was weak, but you didn't stop and were only moments after met with frantic gasps and whimpers as Mark's brown eyes darted around without control- terrified.

His hands were shaking like crazy, and you could see that every muscle in his body was tense as a rock. The only thing you did was grip onto his shirt and pull him into your chest, firmly squeezing him closer.

None of you said a word and Mark's hands gripped at the back of your shirt like it was the most important thing in the world.

You both sat in the silence that was interrupted only by Mark's frantic breaths and whimpers, along with your loud pants.

You were motionless, sharing body heat for comfort. It didn't feel like you were comforting him, but rather you were both comforting each other. One from witnessing and the other from experiencing.

You didn't know what you felt toward Mark. You were definitely concerned about his well being, and as you had now learned, hated seeing him in pain.

Your mind wandered back to the still very recent and fresh events. No wonder Mark wouldn't talk about it. It was traumatizing, and you had only watched. You can't imagine what it must have felt like to Mark.

That was your first time seeing him...or it.

You really didn't know anymore. Right now you were in the cell with him. But also with Mark, and that's what mattered to you the most at this moment.

Mark had gotten strangely quiet during your thinking and after a brief observation, you saw he had fallen asleep. Poor guy. Must be exhausted...

What if it happens again?

That was the thought that bugged you. Scared you. You were scared for Mark more than yourself.

Carefully you picked his limp body up and put him back on his bed, carefully pulling away from his grip on you. But...you didn't want to leave. You wanted to stay here with him. Protect him, even if just a little.

After deciding on staying as near as possible, you left the smaller space and closed the cell, going back to your room.

Not long after you returned with a pillow and two blankets- one to lay on and the other to cover yourself with.

Settling down not too far from the glass you sighed, cold sweat still present on your back.

What a night...

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