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45,218Likes wongyukheiwe aestheticx B) 📷 ; @chewychou 8129 comments
chewychouyou better upload our pics or else :)
son_chaehow the hell did yoenjun look tall there?¿ yeonjun-ie@son_chae bcs i am TALL. hbu shortie
ulzzangfoundedtheV always being good looking 😍
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102 Likes yuqisongfeeling delete, might cute later 🤩 12 Comments
minniemouseim tired of seeing ur face in my feed
yan.anyou look so cute yuqi! :))
yuqisong @minniemouse stfu and @yan.anthank you gege!
jieqiongwhy are u so pretty you'd totally pass as an ulzzang
ulzzangfoundedulzzang founded alert!
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232,523 Likes ulzzangfounded 🚨!! Ulzzang spotted! INFO: Song Yuqi, 99 Liner. @/yuqisong in IG, @/songyuqiqiqi in twitter.
Let us welcome her in the Ulzzang Community! @yuqisong 1,213 Comments
isha43she's not even that pretty wtf
juyeonhanI stalked her and sHES SO PRETTY AND NICEEE!! 💖 I love her already
theVfanclubI stalked her and she's a crack head. She's also a 99 liner! In your opinion, would you like her to join theV? ;) isha43 @theVfanclub bitch no. theV is a family, not just a group that you could join