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I'm so jealous of
those fourxiaodejun:
same.. like I wanna
meet her too?yukheiwongssi:
why are you so worn
out with that girl?
she's literally just a personyukheiwongssi:
bet she's just acting
like she doesn't know
us so that we'll
befriends with hermarklee:
I don't really have an
interest with her but
yukhei, not all people
knows usmarklee:
we're not celebrities,
were just ulzzangsyukheiwongssi:
I doubt that.yukheiwongssi:
I mean yes we're not
celebrities, but girl
s like her knows a lot
about ulzzangsyukheiwongssi:
just look st her pics.
aesthetics, like ulzzangsderyhen:
bro why are you so hard on herderyhen:
maybe she just likes
aesthetics. everything
aesthetic is not ulzzangxiaodejun:
yeah bro why are
you so worn out about
us wanting to meet heryukheiwongssi:
oh reallyderyhen:
@yeonjunie tell her
we'll meet upyeonjunie:
why would I when some
of you guys don't like
her when you haven't meetderyhen:
then tell her it's just me
and xiaojunxiaodejun:
yeah, since those two
doesn't like her anywaysyeonjunie:
you sure?xiaodejun;
no. but maybeyeonjunie;
okay. I'm gonna text her.###

Know Me
Fanfiction❝ why would I? you're lucas. ❞ × COMPLETED! ☾︎ 𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐗𝐗𝐗'𝐬 #5 etherxxx © 2019 052219┋ 061219