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"thankyouforhavingus!" the ten of them chanted and proceeded to bow, earning claps from the staff. "thankyoufortheeffort!" the director says then also bows.
the photoshoot have ended successfully with each one of them supporting each other.
now, they are gathered at the side of the street, bickering in where should they eat. "let'sjusteatramen!" yeonjun pouted, in which he received a smack from chaeyoung.
"there'sataiwaneserestaurantnearby, youguyswanttotry?" shuhua suggested. all of them looked at each other and nodded at the same time, "great! it'sjustawalkingdistancefromhere." she smiled and led the way, the others cooing at her cuteness.
yuqi crunched her face and started to walk when her phone began to ring, she quickly answered it when she saw it was from her mother.
[great! i willbookourflight, okay? i'mgonnaturnthisoffnow. takecare!]
the conversation lasted shortly, yuqi then quickly looked at the others who were still walking. there was already a distance from them to her, "yah." she flinched when she heard a voice from behind her.
and behind her, yukhei suddenly came out. "hey! wheredidyoucomefrom?!" she asked, yukhei then laughed. "i waswaitingforyou."
yuqi's face reddened at the latter's words, quickly moving her face away. "y-youshouldn'thavebother." she says and walked away.
yukhei quickly caught up to her with his hand resting at the girl's head. "whyareyousosmall?" he teased, patting her head. yuqi was still so red but luckily cannot be seen because of the shady lamp posts that served their light.
she then pinched him at the side, yukhei groaning. "i amnotsmall! youarejustbigandtall." she pouted. the latter beside her chuckled and walked along with her.
"hm. bytheway, areyoufreetomorrow?" yukhei suddenly asked, it wasn't obvious but he was really nervous asking this, andhedidn'tknowwhy.
yuqi's eyes widened and the question. her face blushing once more at the thought she has in her head. she bit her lip, and nodded abruptly. "yeah. why?"
yukhei felt relieved but also nervous at her answer. he hmed for awhilea and then, "wannagoout?" he asks.
yukhei panicked at her answer, all he wanted was to go out with yuqi alone. he then processed an excuse, "it'souranniversarytomorrow, and i justwantedtobeaccompanied." he says, which is true.
it's true that it was their anniversary tomorrow and it's also true that he just wanted to be accompanied. but not for the reason of the anniversary.
yuqi awkwardly giggled, "thenwhydidyouaskme? youshouldasksomeonewho'scloser." she says bitterly, not liking the idea of hanging out with him just because he's lonely.
"t-theyheardenoughofmystorieswithher." yukhei convinced, yuqi raised her eyebrows at him. yukhei just then sighed ,giving up. "i'mnotgonnaforceyouifyoudon'twantto."
yuqi then felt guilty. the latter just wanted her to hang with him but she's being mean.
the two walked and stopped when they were outside the restaurant, yukhei was about to go in when yuqi tugged his shirt, "i'llgowithyou." she says before going in ahead of him.
the boy was left their dumbfounded before he found himself smiling widely and entering the restaurant too.