My LA Teacher

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So first of all, my Language Arts teacher is literally a spawn from a demon. Nobody likes her at all and the whole team makes jokes about her growing horns and shit. I even call her class The Hellhole because I hate it so much!

But she gave us 2 projects to do, and one of them is a book report and the other is something that's irrelevant to life but you have to do 3 things in it! If she's going to give a project, she clearly didn't mention that there were multiple things to do. Then while she says that we have these 4 projects to do, she gives us this prompt from the PTA that wasn't mandatory. But the thing is, she only gave us two days on top of all of the projects and tests and homework to a in-depth essay or poem for this prompt from hell. AND IT'S NOT EVEN NECESSARY! She even tried to make us feel guilty if we didn't do the prompt by saying that our school had a pretty good track record for doing the prompt and getting to a competition or whatever. DOES IT LOOK LIKE I GIVE A F*CK BECAUSE I DON'T!!! My Language Arts teacher can literally trip on a fire hydrant break her arm again and have it explode on her because she's making my life a living hell.

She even said during class a couple of days ago that "she's so nice" because she didn't give us a punctuation test. Sorry, but does it look like I'm a 2nd grader and need a test om something that everyone should know by now? NO!!!! She doesn't even know that everyone (except for THOSE people) hate her.  The homework she assigns us is literally for 1st graders because it's asking us to capitalize the proper letters and add proper punctuation. I swear our district is setting us up for failure in life because everyone should know how to write properly! My friend (electriccaniff) even said that my other friend (-insane-) was ahead of us and she moved!!!

I swear I am moving to another state and bringing my friends with me because I am sick of learning things that I already know and dealing with a school district that has the WORST TEST GRADE SCORES!


Deep breath...

I'm done. 

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