Chapter 15

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Ella rode hard, and fast. As fast as she dared. Her fingers wrapped in her small horse's mane.

She didn't know where she was going, and even if she had, she couldn't have seen. Her eyes were blinded by tears.

Why, she wondered. Why would they do that, she thought they were here friends. She unhooked, her fingers from out of the mane, and wiped her eyes, with the back of hand. She grasped the mane again, with a new determination. There was only one person she could rely on now, and that was herself. Trusting people, would only get her into trouble.

Her mother, her father, Maxwell Rowan, Dutch, they had all let her down. Even Arthur and Sadie.

She reined in her horse, and looked around. She had no idea where she was, and the sun was beginning to go down. She had to find shelter, for tonight. Then she would head to Blackwater. Far enough away from Rhodes, Valentine and Strawberry. More importantly, far enough away from Dutch Van Der Linde.

As she rode along the track, she saw a cabin, by the edge of the lake. She headed towards it. It looked deserted, but she had to be sure. Ella, looked through several of the windows, it appeared to be empty. She tried the door, it was open. So, she cautiously walked inside. Yes definitely no one home.

The shelves were well stocked, with canned goods. At least she wouldn't go hungry tonight.

She opened another door. A bedroom, and a bed. She laid on the bed, she'd just rest for a bit. It wasn't long after closing her eyes, that Ella drifted off to sleep.

Arthur scratched his head. "How the hell are we gonna find her. We have no idea, where's she's gone, or even how long ago she left!"

Dutch thought for a moment. "She's not gonna head in the direction of Rhodes, that's for sure. She ain't a good rider, so she'll probably stick to the main tracks."

"And she's gonna need to find shelter tonight, she ain't stupid enough to keep goin' after dark, and she won't make a camp out in the open." Arthur continued.

Dutch nodded his head, "good, that narrows it down. So where could she stop overnight?"

Sadie walked over, "Instead of talkin' about it, lets go. She won't have planned where to stop."

Arthur, put his arm around Sadie, "I guess there's no point, tryin' to tell you to stay here?"

She smiled, "No point at all."

"Ok you two, lets ride." Dutch said, walking towards his horse.

Dutch, Arthur and Sadie, rode pretty much in silence. All three of them scanning the horizon for places, where Ella might consider, taking shelter. It was beginning to get dark, but luckily the sky was clear, and the moon was bright. Silhouetting everything.

Arthur glanced over at the lake, and saw the cabin, at Gills Landing.

"There," he pointed, towards the cabin. "If I was looking for shelter, that would be perfect."

Dutch nodded, and they headed down to wards the beach. As the go closer, Dutch reined in his horse. "Lets carry on, on foot. If she's in there, we need to do this quietly."

Arthur, and Sadie, both reined in their horses, and dismounted.

As they headed towards the cabin, Sadie saw Ella's horse.

"She's here! Let me go in first, if you two go in, she's gonna flip." She whispered

Dutch nodded, but Arthur scowled.

"I don't like it," he said, "I'll wait by the door. Dutch, there's another door round the back. You should wait by that one, just in case."

Dutch nodded, and crept to the back door of the cabin.

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