Chapter 19

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Dutch looked out across the lake, the morning sun, making the surface twinkle.

"Well?" He said, turning to look at Hosea.

"Are you gonna tell me what happened, between you and Ella, and why suddenly we need to move again."

Dutch sighed, "She said she couldn't stay. She thought me, and Arthur, were gonna turn her in to the Sheriff," he shrugged, "don't ask me why. But if she gets picked up by the Pinkertons, or bounty hunters, I don't know what she'll do. She isn't in her right mind at the moment."

"Dutch, there's something you need to know." Hosea, took a deep breath, not sure how Dutch would take it. "Javier, knows where she is."

Dutch glared at Hosea, "Javier! How, and why the hell didn't he tell me!" he said, angrily.

"Because, she asked him not to, and I can see why!" he said, bluntly.

"I'd never hurt her, Hosea. You know that," he said, trying to calm down.

Hosea smiled, "It's all well and good, me knowing it. But does she?"

Dutch, pinched the bridge of his nose, something he did, when he was frustrated. "Probably not, I threatened to shoot her, after she had shot Sadie, and held a gun to Arthur. Then I tied her up, and knocked her out."

Hosea stared at Dutch, in disbelief, "Dutch, what were you thinking?"

Dutch scraped his fingers, through his hair, "I don't know, Hosea. I wasn't thinking straight. I love her, I just wanted to keep her here, safe. I need to talk to Javier, I have to go and find her, Hosea."

Hosea nodded, "let me go and find Javier, just try and keep calm. If you start shouting at Javier, he'll never tell you where she is."

Ella, took the gun from her holster. She crouched down, and peered out the broken window, pointing the pistol, at the first bounty hunter, she pulled the trigger.

The bullet, hit the bounty hunter, in the chest. He fell backwards of his horse, causing the horse to spook, and run off.

The other bounty hunter, immediately fired at the cabin. The flimsy walls, didn't stop the hail of bullets. Ella screamed, as one hit her shoulder. Her first thought, was poor Sadie. Had she known how painful a bullet wound was, she would never have shot her.

Ella pressed her other hand, onto her shoulder, where she had been shot, it was already pumping blood.

She crawled away from the window, towards the door. She guessed, she'd only have one chance, with the second bounty hunter, if she missed, that would be it.

Ella peered out the door. The second man, had run to the first. She figured, he must think she was either dead, or badly wounded. So he was checking on his friend first.

She took a deep breath and gritted her teeth. Still on her knees, she pointed her gun at the second bounty hunter, who now, had his back to her, whilst checking his companion. She pulled the trigger.

The bullet hit him, square in the back. He lurched forward, and lay on top of the other one, groaning.

Ella sat back down, leaning against the wall of the cabin. Her gun, fell out of her hand. She looked down at her shoulder, her shirt was completely covered in blood. She closed her eyes, trying to blot out the pain. At least if she was going to die, she would die fighting.

Javier walked over to the lakeside, with Hosea. Dutch stared at him, trying his very best to keep his cool.

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