Chapter 29

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Dutch stirred from his sleep, and opened his eyes, it was still dark. He glanced over, towards the crumbling gate posts, of the old house. Arthur, was still crouched there, looking towards the house.

He glanced at his pocket watch, the dial, glinting in the moonlight. One am.

Dutch stood up and stretched, his shoulders, cracking.

Arthur snapped his head round, and sighed, somewhat relieved that it was just Dutch.

"You should have woken me," Dutch scolded, "go on, get some rest, son. I'll take over."

Arthur nodded, and crept over to the tree, where Dutch had been sleeping. The ground was still warm, which was a bonus. He wasn't sure, he'd get much sleep, but at least he could close his eyes, and relax, just for a bit.

The sun rose on Shady Belle, casting a warm glow, as it penetrated the windows of the old house.

Ella, was already awake. Since the Agents had arrived, she hadn't had much sleep. Jack, was curled up next to her on the bed, sleeping soundly. She wished she was his age again, when everything was so simple. Although, not, it seemed, for poor little Jack.

Sadie, walked into the room, closely followed by the two Pinkerton agents.

"Well ladies," Agent Milton, smirked, "Change of plan...Your free to go, both of you, and the child."

Agent Ross, glared at the other Agent, as though he had completely lost his mind, but said nothing.

Ella, stared at him, mouth wide open, sure that this was some sort of trap.

"C'mon Ella," Sadie chirped, "lets get going, before these bastards change their minds!"

Ella gently roused Jack, who rubbed his eyes, still half asleep.

"C'mon Jack, we're going for a ride."

Ella grabbed Jack's hand, and followed Sadie as they headed towards the stairs. The agents followed them down, and stood at the main door of the house, whilst they headed towards the horses.

Ella mounted her horse, and Sadie, lifted Jack so he sat in front of her, then Sadie, mounted her own horse.

As the walked the horses out of Shady Belle, they kept looking behind them, half expecting a gunshot to take them out, but it never happened.

As they passed out of the crumbling gate, they herd a voice mumble.

"Just keep looking straight ahead. Go to the ruined Church, we'll meet you there."

Ella gasped, "Dutch!" it was all she could do to stop herself from looking round.

Both women headed towards the old Church, their hearts, thumping in their chests.

Agent Ross, watched as the two women, rode away.

"What the hell are you doing?" he snarled, at Agent Milton.

Agent Milton, turned to look at the other Agent. "They're out there, I know they are. What's the point of getting involved in an ambush, and losing good men. First thing those women will do, is tell them that the rest of the gang, are in St. Denis."

Agent Ross, rolled his eyes, "and how is that a good thing?"

"Because they aren't," Agent Milton Smirked. "But they don't know that! Then I'll capture the last of them, and once the Marshall arrives, I'll get to see the lot of them Hang!"

Ella and Sadie, waited at the old ruined church. Glancing up the track, every few minutes, Ella was starting to think, that she had imagined hearing Dutch's voice.

After what seemed like an eternity, Ella saw the Count in the distance.

Arthur and Dutch had decided to lead the horses, away from Shady Belle, rather than ride them.

As much as they wanted to reach the girls, as soon as they could, they didn't want to get spotted, by the Pinkertons.

Ella ran up to Dutch, and wrapped her arms around him. He hugged her back, and kissed the top of her head.

"Thank god you're ok," he glanced across at Sadie, who currently had her arms wrapped around Arthur. "Both of you. Now c'mon, tell us what happened."

Jack, who had been playing in the dirt, ran over to Arthur.

"Uncle Arthur," he cried, tears in his eyes, "They took my mummy and daddy."

Arthur bent down and picked the little boy up. "Don't worry Jack, we're gonna get them back."

They all walked into the crumbling church, and sat down on some of the broken masonry.

"Now," Dutch began, "Tell us exactly what happened."

Ella and Sadie, recounted what had happened. How the Agents had threatened to hurt Jack, if they didn't surrender. How all the others had been loaded into the two transports. Then how they heard that they were being held in St. Denis.

Dutch was enraged, "Fucking animals," he growled. "This is all Kieran's doing!"

Ella shushed him, "Don't Dutch, you'll frighten the little boy." she whispered.

Dutch scowled, "I don't suppose I can frighten him any more than he has been frightened already. What with Agent Moron, grabbing him."

Sadie, in a hushed voice whispered, "there's more.." She continued, "When they loaded everyone onto the wagons, Molly was missing."

Dutch screwed his eyes shut, "the traitorous little bitch, I should have guessed!"

Arthur, who had been quietly listening, finally piped up, "look, lets not dwell on who did what, right now, we have to get the others."

Dutch nodded, "right now, lets get as much distance between ourselves and Agent Moron, as we can. We'll find somewhere to stay, tonight. We can then, head in to St. Denis tomorrow."

They all nodded, and made ready to leave the abandoned church.

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