Chapter 27

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Dutch was rudely awakened the following morning, as Arthur came crashing into his room, just before sun up.

"I thought we'd agreed, that revenge wasn't worth it," he yelled, his face red with anger.

Dutch shook his head, trying to wake up, at the same time as taking in what Arthur was saying.

"What d'ya mean," he asked, confused.

Arthur calmed down, "you mean it wasn't you?"

Dutch looked at Arthur, a confused look on his face. "Wasn't me, what?" he mumbled.

Arthur, closed his eyes, and sighed, "Kieran's gone, some one let him go, I thought it was you."

Dutch shook his head, "honestly Arthur, don't you have any faith in me at all?"

"I'm sorry, its just that..." Arthur started, but Dutch interrupted him.

"Forget the apology son, we have to get going. We need to make sure, that all he's doing is heading out to kill Rowan," he said quickly.

Arthur walked to the door, "what about the person who cut Kieran loose?"

Dutch shook his head, "we'll worry about that, when we get back." He hesitated, "it's possible, we had two traitors in the camp!"

As soon as Arthur had left, Dutch walked over to Ella, who had also been woken up by Arthur, bursting in.

"You don't think, he's gonna turn us in, do you?" she asked, a worried look on her face.

Dutch smiled, "I don't think so. Just sit tight, and I'll be back soon."

Ella reached out, and grabbed his hand, "Please be careful?"

Dutch, brought her hand, up to his lips, and kissed it gently. "Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it."

Arthur, quickly went back to his room, to bid a hasty farewell to Sadie.

She'd heard the noise, and was already awake. "What's happening Arthur, I heard you shouting?"

Arthur sighed, "Someone's let Kieran go. Don't worry, me 'n Dutch, are gonna sort out Rowan, as we originally planned, then we'll find out who."

Sadie frowned, "just promise me, you'll be careful?"

Arthur, cupped his hand, on Sadie's cheek, and gave her a long, lingering kiss. "Just stay here and rest, don't you get any ideas."

Sadie smiled, and touched his arm. "Go on, the sooner you go, the sooner you'll be back."

Arthur smiled, as he headed out the door, towards the horses.

Arthur mounted up, and waited for Dutch. He didn't have to wait long.

"C'mon," Dutch said, as he mounted The Count. "Its a pretty long ride to Cumberland Forrest. He can't be that far ahead of us, we better push on."

Both men pushed their horses, into a gallop. Heading as fast as they could, to Maxwell Rowan's little homestead.

Kieran, looked at his riding companion, who he was sitting behind, on the big ugly brute of a horse, that she'd stolen. "remind me again, why we're doing this?"

Molly O'Shea, sneered. "To teach Dutch Van Der Linde a lesson. If he thinks he can cast me aside, for that little slut, he's got another think coming!"

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