Chapter 16 - The Author

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SCENE: The Enchanted Forest. Before the first curse. Snow and David cut through the woods and found a unicorn (i know really stupid). It was supposed to give a glimpse of the future if you touched its horn. In this case, see unborn Emma's future. 

David saw a gently beautiful baby Emma in his vision quest. When he came to Snow was freaking out, "Did you see? Our child's gonna be just fine." Snow shook her head. In her vision Emma was a young girl that ripped out Now's heart and crushed it. "No. No, it's not. It's evil." She told him. 

SCENE: Storybrooke. Blue tends to August while Regina, Emma, and Henry talk about the page. They needed to figure something out before Gold did.

According to Blue August was having a hard time, "He's been through a lot. He's been changed by magic many times. For him to survive this, he will have to be very strong." Regina asked about Gold again, "Gold and these other witches are expecting me. They sent me on a mission to get that page from the book. And if I return empty-handed, whatever suspicions they have of me will be confirmed." Emma conjures a duplicate of the page, "Then give them this." Emma conjures a duplicate of the page with the door on it. "A forgery? This is Gold we're talking about. We still don't know what they're up to. It's a bigger risk not to know." Regina's phone chims, "That's them. Probably wondering where I am. Maybe what we need is a different kind of copy." Regina takes a picture of the page, "Because Gold and those witches don't know that the page contains the actual door. All they care about is what the door looks like." Emma was impressed by Regina. "Hopefully, this photo will keep them on their wild goose chase around town. I've got to get going. 

After Regina left Hook talked to Emma while Will was once again glued to his book. Emma asked Hook what was wrong. "Before Ursula left, she told me what the villains have planned. To get their happy endings, they intend to darken your heart, love, to turn you into a villain so you'll no longer be the savior." Henry heard this, "What? You can't just un-savior the savior." Hook sighed lightly, "Ursula said Gold has a way. He can use The Author to do it." Emma couldn't believe it, "That's insane. If that's what their plan is, stop worrying. It's ridiculous. Author or no author, I am not going dark. Rumplestiltskin or some author doesn't to decide who I am."

David and Snow talk quietly about Emma's fate, "Do you really think it's possible? Emma going dark after what we did?" she whispered. "No, it shouldn't be. We were told that we had to guide her, that her fate rested with us." David said. "But this author... he has the power to change everything. I mean, he's going to write the villains' happy endings. Who knows what he can do to Emma? We have to do something... Without Emma finding out the truth." 

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present. Gold's Cabin. Gold complained about Regina taking so long. She lied about the page having a protection spell and showed them her picture. Cruella complained about the glare on the picture. 

Gold corrected her, "No, that's not a glare. That's magic. This door has been sealed by it. This is the door we've been looking for." Regina was panicking, "You think The Author is trapped in an illustration? But that would mean..." Maleficent was interrupted, "The Sorcerer imprisoned him in the book. We need to get it. Bring us the page." Regina was screwed, "That won't be easy. The Savior isn't about to let it out of her sight." She complained. "Don't worry about her. I've got just the thing." Maleficent said. 

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present. The apartment. Emma and Hook talked about August. He was her friend her only rel friend after pushing away Lily from the recording. Hook glimpsed at something outside the window and brought it to Emma's attention. She was confused to and then then both passed out. SCENE: Storybrooke. Present time. A hill overlooking Storybrooke. Maleficent cast a sleeping spell on the whole town, now they could get to work.

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