Chapter 11 - It takes Heart

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SCENE: Storybrooke. Present. Elsa brought down the ice wall but there was still a spell, leave Storybrooke and you cant comeback. SCENE: Storybrooke. Present. Gold's shop. Hook reported the news.

"If only the Snow Queen had succeeded... Everything would be much simpler. What about our friends from Arendelle?" Hook said they were searching for a portal back. "Well, that is a problem. Can't have that Anna running around town." Hook smiled, "She knows, doesn't she? She knows what you were doing, cleaving yourself from the dagger so you can leave with your power. Why else would you care? Anna's a danger to you. You can't have your blissfully ignorant wife..." Hook used his magic to choke Hook. "Watch Anna. Make sure she comes nowhere near this shop. Your usefulness was unexpectedly extended. But tonight, when the stars in the sky align with the stars in the sorcerer's hat, I will finally do what I should have done so many years ago. I will kill you." 

SCENE: Enchanted Forest. Past. Belle is cleaning when Rumplestiliskin returns. She asked hi m about his trip to Camelot.

"Good for me. Not so good for Camelot. A souvenir. Clean it for me, will you?" He tosses something at her and she asked what it was. "It's a magic gauntlet with a very specific power. It can locate anyone's greatest weakness." Belle was confused, "B-but why do you need this? W-with all your power, you could destroy any foe." Rumple sighed, "Look, if you must know, it's about manipulation. And for that, you must find one's weakness. And for almost everyone, that weakness is the thing they love most. This will simply point me in the right direction." 

SCENE: Storybrooke. Gold takes hook to the Mansion with him. They go inside and Gold looks around finally he finds what he was looking for, a door appears. Hook was confused and asked who's mansion they were in.

"A powerful sorcerer. He brought the Snow Queen from Arendelle to this world, which means his magic is strong enough to move between that world and ours."

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present. Belle is packing clothes when Henry enters. he learns about her trip with Gold and tells her about the town line. She figured Gold must how found something to remove it. 

"Okay, so, I need another suitcase." Belle begins to pull one down  and a bunch of things fall down. "He really keeps some strange things here." Henry says helping her clean stuff up. Belle pics up a kind of medieval glove, "Didn't expect to see this here." Belle said under her breath.

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present. Hook comes into Granny's and approaches Emma.

"Swan, I may not be the Savior, but I've just saved the day." Emma was confused as he poured a drink for them. "The portal to Arendelle. I found it. So, bottoms up." The both took a drink but Emma was still confused. "Well, I found Gold, and he told me where to locate one. A door in the ballroom of that lakeside mansion. Yes. It appears that our Rumplestiltskin has turned over a new leaf." Hook explained. "Apparently dozens of leaves. You sure we can trust him?" She asked. She doesn't know that Gold is telling Hook what to do through his heart. 

"Positive. The Crocodile truly has changed. He gave me a long-winded explanation about a... Portal. About how it brought the, uh... Snow Queen into this land... Which I don't recall. But the important thing is it works. All they have to do is walk through it." he explained "Then we should go." Emma said. Hook said good but he wanted to see Will now that the spell was done, he had to unblock the door. Hook is about to leave but Emma stops him, "Hey, Killian. What's wrong? You're acting strange." Her hand slid from his cheek to his chest and stopped at the spot where his hear twas supposed to be. Killian took her hand in his own and reassured her, "Im fine." He told her goodbye and walks away but he kept holding her hand until he passed by which was strange.  

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