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Next thing you know you are in a boat heading toward the beach aka war zone you look off the side of the boat rain hitting your face when you heard Lutendent Turner start talking "remember, no digging in the shore, you gotta advance you need to stay low and do not bunch up, stick to your training and you'll make it through" He turns around and says "I'm proud to lead you fellows into battle, anytime anywear" You look up at the planes soaring above and you hear Aiello yell "Alright, Give em hell boys! " And you frown "Das letzte Mal, als ich nachgesehen habe, habe ich keinen Schwanz" You yell over the rain and Zussman laughs Aiello turns around and looks at you and then Zussman "What did she say" He asked Zussman and he chuckled "Im not sayin nothin" He said and you smile and Aiello roles his eyes and looked the other way you feel lime someone was looking at you and you see Pierson looking at you. When he seen that you looked at him a haize of red crawled a crossed his face and he turned around quickly you look at Zussman and he looked mad you put your hand on his shoulder and he looked at you and blushed "K-Krystal there is something I have to tell you" He said "Was ist das Zussman?" You said and he scooted closer to you you nobody would hear him speak German "Ich-ich liebe dich, Krystal" He said and your cheeks flushed pink "R-wirklich" And he nodded and you smiled "Ich liebe dich auch, Zussman" You said but you Reframed yourself from hugging or kissing him because your surrounded by other soldiers but that didn't stop you from doing something. You grabbed his hand and held it in secret and he smiled "let's kill these Nazi Fuckers" He said and you nodded (Okay so If you want to know what they are saying Write down what they are saying on a sheet of paper and put it into Google Translate put German to English.) Zussman looks at Pierson and asks "The beaches are supposed to be flattened right?" And Pierson turns around to look at him and sees that you have a blush on your face. He shook it off and looks at Zussman "You sound scared Private" He said and Zussman shook his head "No Sir!" He said and Pierson turned around and said "You should be" Zussman looks at you and smiles your still holding his hand the rain hitting your face like daggers you hear a soldier behind you "Hey Krystal, got a light?" He said and you nodded. You got out your lighter and handed it to him. You watch him try to light the Cigarette when you hear a bullet fly past your head. You hear turner yell "EVERYBODY DOWN!" you did as he said and crouched down to the hull of the boat as a bomb hits next to the boat splashing water into the boat you look over at Zussman everyone was still crouched down. You scooted closer to Zussman and he looked at you. You Kissed him while covering your head protecting yourself and to cover the kiss. He kissed back passionately. You break away when you hear a soldier yell out "WATCH OUT! " another bomb hits the water besides the boat causing more water to splash into the small boat you look back over at Zussman and smiled another bomb hitting the water nearby. You then hear a Soldier yell "500 yards!" You look up as everyone else did you wiped your hair from your face and put it behind your ears you hear the same soldier yell "We're going to have to pull off!".

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