July 25, 1944 Operation Cobra

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Mission briefing.
*Seit dem D-Day sind sieben Wochen vergangen.Um aus der Normandie auszubrechen, drängen wir ins Landesinnere, um Marigny zu sichern.So kontrollieren wir die Straßen und pflügen quer durch Frankreich nach Paris.Die Befreiung kommt bald.*
(Okay so your POV is going to me in German. I will write what you say at the end if you don't want to write down all the extras like I did just want to make the readers happy!)

(Your POV)

Wir versammeln uns um Turner und er erzählt uns von unserer Mission und wie wir es mit Marigny aufnehmen sollen. Ich bin wirklich aufgeregt, dass ich noch nie in einem Tank war ... Mein Vater würde mich niemals zulassen ... Oh, wie ich Vater hasse. Er ist der Boss der Nazis ... sie nennen ihn Hitler Ich muss es so aussehen lassen, als wäre ich gestorben, damit Vater mich nicht sucht. Ich möchte bei Zussman bleiben, ich liebe ihn und ich möchte mein Leben mit ihm verbringen.Er ist nett im Gegensatz zu meinem Vater. Ich werde ihn nach einem Plan fragen, wie ich meinen Tod vortäuschen kann.Dann werde ich ihn nach meinem 'Tod' fragen, ob er mir Englisch beibringen kann!.

(Now onto the actual story this ones going to be longer I think)

As you were walking to the tank you were approached by Pierson "Hey" He said and you looked at Zussman he was halfway onto the tank "You know a wound like that takes eight weeks to heal?" He said "Ich bin bereit, Sergeant. Sie haben mein Wort." He looks over at Zussman "Translate private" He said "She said that the is ready Sergeant. You have her word" And he looked back at you "oh your word huh? That don't mean shit to me" He said and you questioned his sudden change of tone. He starts to hit your wound and you mentally cry out in pain you wondered to yourself * why is he doing this?! He was so nice to me before!* you didn't show pain though cause you wanted to go fight. He hits your wound three more times "So your ready huh?" He said and you look at him still standing strait you cringe a little but he didn't notice "Ich bin nur Dandy, Sir" You say and he looks at Zussman and he groaned silently "She said she is just dandy sir" He said and Pierson looked back at you "You got guts private, I just don't wanna see em'" He said and he walked away. You look at Zussman and grabbed your wound and cringed holding in a cry of pain. Zussman hopped down and helped you into the tank him getting on afterwards you sit down and he sits down after. You look at him and he was holding onto the Hank kneeling down. You hear Perez (The tank driver) yell "Tanks rollin'! " You hear Aiello "Hang on tight guys, it's gonna get rough" he took a piece of hair behind your ear and you heard Stiles, say "what else is new " you giggle at his sarcasm "können Sie laut sagen" you say. The tank driver Perez looks at you and says " I think Pierson likes you" you blush "Wie ein Löwe wie ein Steak " You here Zussman laugh. You hear Prez say "let's go let's go" you look forward and sigh "Zeit für ein weiteres Blutbad, hoffen wir nur, dass ich nicht Teil davon bin" You said to yourself and Zussman agreed with you. You looked off the side if the tank and was part of a conversation you felt the tank jolt and it started moving "looks like your holding up all right" You hear Zussman say you tried to speak some english "y-yea hawe b-bout y-you?" You struggled but you did it! Zussman look at you proud "You did it krystal!" He says happily and you smile "I-I did!" You said starting to get the hang of it a little more Zussman comes over to you and gives you a high five you wanted to hug him but not everybody knew that you two were dating Perez started babbling on about Pierson you  didn't really tune into what he was saying until the end when you heard Aiello and Stiles arguing about food when you heard Aiello say "Shit on a shingle doesn't count" You start laughing your ass off  and looked at him "G-Good Ein" You said. You still spoke German on accident while trying to speak English but he didn't mind actually nobody mind. You mentally high five yourself and lean your back onto the tank and zone out only listening to the nature. When a bomb fell from the side flinging you off the tank you fell onto the ground and your head hit a rock. Your vision going black instantly.

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