13. You're Not My Dad

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Marley took a sharp breath and stumbled back. The girl in the doorway was not Emalee, no way. This girl was way different. She looked a few years younger, with a heart-shaped face, long blonde hair that fell to her waist, and large sea blue eyes framed by thick, feathery eyelashes. Her figure was skinny, but still with weight. Freckles fanned around her cheekbones and over the bridge of her nose. Her complexion was super smooth, without a blemish in sight.

"Y-you're not Emalee," she stuttered. The girl flinched, withdrawing into herself. Another sign she wasn't Emalee.

"Please, Marley, it is me."

"No, it's not. What have you done to my sister?" Marley said, attempting to look intimidating. Whoever this stranger was couldn't just steal her best friend - her sister - and get away with it.

"Mar, please," she whispered. "I'm a shapeshifter, remember, I couldn't control this," the girl continued hurriedly, her eyes rimmed with tears. "I never wanted this. I just wanted to be normal."

Marley watched as a tear traced down the girl's face. She started to doubt her original thoughts. Was she telling the truth? Could this girl, standing in front of her, crying, really be Emalee? 

"Please," she repeated. Marley opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by Dean opening the door. He saw the girl standing there and whipped out a gun, keeping it trained on her heart while moving in front of Marley.

"Who the hell are you?" he barked roughly. The girl's chest caught, but not with another bout of tears.

"Fuck off, Dean, I'm trying to have a conversation," she snapped.

"I don't know you, so no, I won't."

"For God's sake, let me talk to Marley!" 

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that, shapeshifter." The gun stayed on her.

"Excuse me, asshat, I'm sorry I'm a monster that can't control when I molt or what I molt to most of the time. I apologize for the inconvenience," she spat. Marley's eyes widened and she shoved past Dean.

"Emalee! It is you!" she cried, hugging the girl tightly. Emalee nodded against Marley's shoulder, the tears coming back to her eyes.

"Thank God, I thought you would kill me or something," Emalee said, glaring at the gun Dean tucked resentfully back in his waistband.

"I'm so sorry, Em, I'm sorry I didn't recognize you, I should have believed you, I know that you're a shapeshifter but I didn't listen 'cause you've just looked like that the whole time I've known you and well I guess I was kind of shaken," Marley babbled.

"Stop, Mar. It's fine," Emalee said. Her voice was a deal higher, and more musical. It wasn't the Emalee she was used to, but it was Emalee nonetheless. Marley hugged her friend again before pulling away.

"We should get back on the road," she sniffed. Dean nodded.

"I agree. Now get your shit together and let's go." He headed for the door and muttered something under his breath. Emalee shot him a murderous look before turning back to the bathroom and blushing furiously. It didn't look right: Emalee never blushed. Just another thing she'd have to get used to.

"What should I do with... that?" she asked meekly.

"What?... Oh," Marley said, gulping a she saw the goopy shifter skin. "Uh, just leave it there, I guess. It doesn't matter, we're leaving anyways. Let's go."

The girls gathered their things and headed out to the Impala. Emalee reclaimed shotgun and hopped into the car, already beginning to braid the long blonde hair she'd already grown fond of.

Marley watched her, fascinated. Her shoulders sloped more, not as broad as the old Emalee. Weird, but beautiful. Marley felt a small tug in her chest and blinked, horrified.

She ignored the quiet twang and buckled her seat belt. After a moment, she narrowed her eyes at the two in the front.

"C'mon guys, put on your seat belts! It's dangerous to go-"

"Not with the lecture, Mar," Emalee groaned. "Please."

"Fine," she huffed. "Just put them on."

Rolling their eyes, Emalee and Dean snapped their seat belts into place.

Yee, more Emalee/Marley brotp! Not much Dean in this chapter... hm, I'll make it up to you guys, just you wait 😉😉😉😉😉

~ Love, Kals

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