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"Wow you just fulfilled my dream" Jonah tells me once his pulls out and lays down


"To be called Harry Potter during sex"

"Really? That's your dream?"

"Yeah cause he's the most powerful wizard and it makes me feel powerful"

"Well I'll let you take power and control over me any day"

"Oh really" he smirks

"Yup. You know I hate Harry Potter but I guess this version of quidditch isn't that bad"

"Hey at least you know what quidditch is"

We laugh and he kisses me sweetly

"I love seeing you happy like this."

"Well it doesn't happen often"

"Don't say that" he pulls me close to him and kisses my forehead


"Nope now stop. Ugh I don't want you to leave tomorrow"

"I don't want to leave... why can't I live with you"

"Kal I wish you could you know that but your dad will literally call the fbi"

"Ugh he ruins everything"

"Hey let's just stop thinking about your dad. Let's just relax and enjoy the time we have"

"But we technically could make our time longer. How about we leave the city or the state or or the country ooo yeah Australia. Let's go to Austra-" Jonah cuts me off with a kiss and sighs

"Finally." He says and I pout

"Sorry but you were talking to much. You know you're much prettier when you're quiet"


"I'm just saying"

"Well you're pretty a lot"

"Did you just call me pretty?"

"Umm yeah duh did you not hear me"

"You know I've learned to just not question it so I'm just not going to"

"Good choice. Well I'm tired your dick wore me out" I say yawning and he laughs

"I have that affect on people" he smirks and kisses me

"I love you so much" he tells me as I slowly drift off to sleep

"I love you too"

11 more chapters

i didn't realize how many i had left til i counted oops

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