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"Ready for the party tonight?" Jonah asks me coming up to me at my locker

"Oh yeah about that I can't go"

"What! Why not"

"I have this family dinner thing. My dad says it's a good way for me and Jack to connect or something"

"But I thought we had plans  for the party"

"I mean we did but I just can't go now. Plans do change you know"

"Yeah they change but I was ready and really really excited for this party"

"Okay and. Seriously I thought you wanted me to be closer with Jack and the family"

"I did but not when we have plans"

"Jonah its just a stupid party. Seriously there's going to be like a million more in the future"

"But this one was important to me."

"And why"

"I don't know I just feel like it was going to be a really good night"

"Well sorry I can't go."

"This is so not fair"

"Jonah its a party. So what that I can't go. Seriously what's your problem."

"I don't have a problem I just really wanted to go"

"And you still can go to the party just not with me."

"You don't understand"

"Yeah I really don't. I mean before you were all 'go and interact with Jack.' 'You guys need to be close' 'you're going to ruin your relationship with your dad' and now you're all like 'choose me over family' 'you aren't being fair' Seriously what's wrong with you"

"Sorry I want to have a good night with my girlfriend"

"Jo we have good nights all the time"

"But this one is different. This one is a party. With drinks, and dancing, and rooms to have sex in"

"We can have sex in rooms literally any time. I mean not like tonight but any other time we can"

"So you're choosing some stupid dinner with your family over your boyfriend"

"Yeah i am. Cause this 'stupid dinner' is going to make me closer with my dad who I literally didn't have any time with half of my life. Sorry I rather have a relationship with my dad, future step mom and future step brother over a few hours of fun with my boyfriend who I've had a million times before."

"Fine go but when it goes bad don't come crying to me"

"Are you seriously mad at me"

"Yes because we've been planning this the whole weekend and suddenly you can't go"

"Okay whatever Jonah just go away now"

"Fine goodbye and guess what I'm going to go to this party and I'm going to have fun... without you"

"Okay bye" I roll my eyes and he walks away

I can't believe he's mad at me because of this

He can be a real jerk sometimes

i don't know if i already posted this story today so if i have hi here's a bonus chapter

if not enjoy still

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