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"I want to start this dinner off with a sorry. I am sorry for all those years I wasn't around. I'm sorry for forgetting about you. And most of all I'm sorry I wasn't there for you more while your mom was dying." My dad says with a shaky sigh

Me and my dad went out to dinner and it was a little awkward at first but then we got some food so we're better

"It's okay. I just can't help but still be a little bit sad about it. I mean all throughout elementary school there would be father and daughter dances and I would always have to come up with excuses for why I had to go with mom."

"That makes me feel so awful. Fuck I'm an awful dad"

"Hey you're not an awful dad. You were just a little lost with your new family and I get that. I just wish I had you more"

"For now on I promise you will. I know it's not much and I can't do anything to bring back the lost memories and lost time but I will do everything to not miss out anything more"


"Yes i promise"

"Good well now we can complete this dinner" I joke and he laughs

"Well hows your spaghetti"

"Really really good"

"I'm glad. Oh and I have to talk to you about something"


"Well I want to start all of us coming together, me, you, Jack, Kristin, and just talking. I know you and Jack don't get along but I want you guys to. And I want you to like Kristin cause she is going to be your step mom soon and I don't want you to hate her. And I don't think it will automatically happen that you'll like her and everything will be fine but maybe it could happen one day"

"I don't know. Cause i feel like it will be you three all against me"

"It won't be a fight Kal. I was actually talking about this with Kris and she thought of dinners"

"So like family dinners"

"Exactly. And we were thinking about doing it every Friday. We discussed this with Jack and he thought it was a good idea. We just need you. Please think about it. It will make you closer with Jack and maybe you won't hate him"

"I'll think about it okay... wait but this Friday is a party that I was gonna go to with Jonah"

"Well I can't tell you what to do but please think. What's more important your relationship with your boyfriend or your relationship with your old and new family. I know Jonah has been there for you since your mom died but please just consider"

"Hey Jonah will understand if I can't go because of family things"

"So you'll come with us"


I really hope Jonah won't mind

I means it's one party and I am missing it for a family thing that he's been telling me I have to care more about

It shouldn't be a big deal

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