falling in love

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Before long, the archangel,  Gabriel arrived at the Gray Scale bunker. He was very sweet and before long, their flirtations turned into what she had thought she felt as love. She never imagined she would ever feel this way. Being new to a soul and all, she assumed this was what they called love that was floating along through her emotions as of late.
After some time of their beginnings of dating, there slowly became some tension with Balthazar and Serena. One afternoon when some of the others weren't around, Balthazar blew up in his pent up anger over some issues he had and Gabriel felt it was best to remove her with Ember from the bunker and into one of his safe houses for a spell of time.
Sky and the others were more than welcomed to come and visit them any time they wanted to. The three of them were happy living away from the group in their own home. It was nice and Ember felt at peace somewhat although she still felt like something was missing from her life still. She just couldn't figure out exactly what that was.
Gabriel had brought Sky over one night so that they could investigate some issue they were having. Miss Ember was pregnant and expecting Gabriel's child at some point. But, there were some threats going on that needed to he understood and taken care of before the child arrived.
They went off to an ancient temple deep in the Mayans land. And within one of the great pyramids there, hidden behind over grown, greeny vines, were great carvings etched into the stone.
Sky stood frozen in place as she read it slowly over and over, trying to make sense of it. Finally, she placed her hand on the carvings and saw things. Everything that was being foretold upon this wall.
She softly spoke in a fast, trance like manner,  " she who changes in to wolf form,
Will rise to greatness
Great power grows from within her
She shall fight in battles
And rise glorious from all of them..." she stands staring at the wall, seeing a tall, slender woman of long black, flowing hair standing high above a great mountain cliff. Sword in one hand, raised high as she looks over the land she had just sworn to protect, as the lightening struck behind her, casting a sharp glow about her shapely form.
She continues, "such greatness at a price, for the child within shall not be... she shall have greatness. But not with this child coming now. Others may follow, but not yet to be..." she snaps back to the present, standing at the wall. She glances over at Gabriel and wonders why he was staring at her like he was.
"So then, she will lose the child?" Was all Gabriel asked as he grabbed Sky's hand and snapped them back to the safe house that sat along the beach.

Ember~ The Wolf Queen of Hell ~ story 1Where stories live. Discover now