Meet Charlie

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Seventeen year old Charlotte Whitmen, who prefers being called Charlie instead, is the definition of what a tomboy would be

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Seventeen year old Charlotte Whitmen, who prefers being called Charlie instead, is the definition of what a tomboy would be. But who could blame her? Starting at the young and impressionable age of five, Charlie has been living in a completely male-dominated household. With five idiotic brothers and a dad, who was never able to understand how girls were supposed to be treated, there is no mystery behind how Charlie ended up who she is today.

While the little girls in her neighborhood were having tea parties, with their stuffed animals and imaginary friends, inside their prettily decorated bedrooms, she was outside getting tackled into heaps of mud and poking at bugs and insects.

As most girls played with their Barbie dolls and pranced around in their mothers' high heels, she was too busy scheming up incorrigible pranks to make Mrs Hayford's, their next door neighbor of who knows how long now, life a living hell with her brothers.

When some girls Charlie's age started to explore makeup and boys, she decided to venture into video games and cars instead.

With her gruff and rough upbringing, Charlie's personality is anything but feminine. She swears like a sailor, chews gum like a cow and her mannerisms? One word: horrible. She acts like a boy and, although, some people find it unsettling, others seem to enjoy it. She's different than a majority of the girls who attend Highland High School, that's a definite fact for sure. But, what will happen when Hayden Knight, the school's heartthrob and her childhood friend, asks Charlie to be his girlfriend?

Sorry, I meant fake girlfriend.

And, if that isn't weird enough, the school's new residential hottie (and self-proclaimed asshole), Ethan Morindozo, has his sights set on this particular Whitmen as well.

It's safe to say that Charlie's junior year isn't going to be anything she expects it to be.



1) This story is pure fiction. I do not mean to offend anybody either. So if you're a sensitive person, I caution you on continuing.

2) Constructive criticism is welcomed with open arms, but if you bash on my characters, I will not tolerate it. Not everyone is perfect, okay? This story will deal with family, friendship and of course love!

3) The plotline might sound over-used but I promise if you give it a shot, you'll find it worth it... At least that's what I hope haha.

4) I hope to hear from you all :)

This story contains swearing and suggestive themes and remarks.

Read at your own risk. Rated pg-13

Completed on: April 9th, 2016

Credit to the talented mizusora for the poster <3 I love it so much!

Credit to the talented mizusora for the poster <3 I love it so much!

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