Oof oof oof oof

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Soooooooooo I have to take an extra course over the summer bc my teachers hate me. Also my phone is really messed up rn. And my computer also decided not to work anymore so, I'm currently typing this on my phone, which has a shit ton of lines on it btw. My exams have me so stressed out that I don't have any free time any more. I have to save up for money now to go get my damn computer and phone fixed. "Arti how did all this happen?" You ask? Well it happened bc I lightly set my phone down on a table and it decide to yeetus deletus it self. I've had my computer for about 3 years now, and it has been working just fine so I have no clue why it stopped working, and my mom has been calling me non stop for no damn reason. So how's your week been?😊

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